2019 in Review: Nic Carter on Quadriga, Libra and Other Suspect Projects
VC Nic Carter discusses Quadriga, Libra, and why bitcoin mattered more than ever this year
QuadrigaCX Judge Approves $1.6 Million in Expenses for EY, Law Firms
A Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge approved more than $1.6 million in fees for the companies appointed to recover funds on behalf of QuadrigaCX's former users
The Incredible Case of Quadriga: Fake Accounts and Lost Millions
Failed Canadian exchange Quadriga CX was seemingly a fraudulent crypto exchange and does not even “provide any visibility into whether Quadriga was operating profitably or not”, according to the latest report from the QuadrigaCX CCAA (the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act) monitor. And while...
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Are Cleaning up Their Act
Ask a dozen crypto traders for the reason behind the recent rally and you’ll get a dozen different theories. Bakkt futures, Microsoft building on Bitcoin and Whole Foods accepting crypto have all been cited as fueling the bull market that’s broken out. While these factors have certainly...
Zemřel CEO krypto startupu, jediný měl hesla ke kryptoměnám klientů za 3 miliardy
Poněkud netradiční problémy řeší kanadská burza digitálních aktiv Quadriga CX. Tenhle pětiletý online startup se totiž nedokáže dostat ke 145 milionům dolarů (3,2 miliardy korun) uložených v Bitcoinu, Litecoinu, Etheru a dalších digitálních měnách, které držel pro své klienty. Stejně tak nedokáže...