
Nalezeno "RQ Score": 106

Bitcoin Hits Peak Interest on Google Trends Following SEC’s ETF Approvals

In the week spanning Jan. 7th to the 13th, 2024, Google Trends revealed a peak interest score of 100 for the search term bitcoin. A closer examination of Google Trends over the past three months highlights that this interest surged to its apex on Jan. 11. This was the day after the U.S. Securities...

Galaxy Digital Seeking to Score Deals From Defunct Cryptocurrency Companies

Galaxy Digital, a digital assets and blockchain financial services company, is seeking to score deals with defunct cryptocurrency companies to acquire their assets. According to reports, the company is eyeing FTX’s venture capital portfolio, which has a sizable stake in artificial...

Barbie Fever Is About To Blue Shell Super Mario Bros. Movie’s High Score

If you had told me back when the Switch came out that Nintendo would release a major Mario motion picture five years later starring Christopher Pratt, I might have believed you, but I wouldn’t have ever guessed it would go on to be one of the biggest box office hits of 2023. I also would never have...

Fortnite’s Next Big Crossover Is With Futurama

Bite my shiny metal ass and praise Hypnotoad! Epic just announced that Futurama is the next big IP that is getting dumped and mushed into the pop culture slurry that is the free-to-play battle royale juggernaut Fortnite. Read more

Guitar Hero Player Gets Perfect Score On Colleen Ballinger’s Apology

On June 28, online comedian Colleen Ballinger stunned the internet with the most cringe YouTuber “apology” ever, which involved her playing the ukulele while singing about the “toxic gossip train chugging down the tracks of misinformation.” The song was immediately added into the freeware Guitar...

Game Developers Open Up About The ‘Worst’ Games They Worked On

Last week, Daedalic Entertainment, the developers of the stealth adventure J.R.R. Tolkien video game The Lord of The Rings: Gollum, posted an apology for the game failing to “meet the expectations” of players and devs alike. Although Gollum being one of the worst-rated games of 2023 on Metacritic...

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