
Nalezeno "Rabbit": 36

Xiaomi Files Patent to Create Its Own Blockchain-Powered Virtual Characters

Xiaomi, one of the biggest mobile phone and tech companies in the world, has introduced a patent that implements blockchain technology for the creation of its own virtual characters. The patent, introduced in China, mentions that the creation of these characters will be randomized thanks to...

RIP Mick McGinty

Mick McGinty, an artist responsible for many of the most memorable pieces of video game artwork from the 1990s, has died.Read more

Rabbits Won’t Stop Jumping In Front Of My Fucking Horse

With the release of the PlayStation 5, I’ve taken the opportunity to go back and play through a few games from the previous generation to see how they take advantage of the new console. One of those games is Rockstar’s western epic Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s great fun, but I can’t help but wonder...

Realmx Video Game Officially Launches on Bitcoin Cash

During the first week of August, the development team Block Hop announced a sandbox video game called Realmx that’s fueled by bitcoin cash. On October 10, Block Hop developers revealed that after “months of development and preparation,” Realmx can now be played on desktop...

How Did You Get Into Bitcoin? Crypto Twitter Responds

Everybody loves a story. When it comes to how people first got into cryptocurrency, there’s no exception. Crypto Twitter (CT) is full of humorous, thought-provoking, and unexpected tales of diving down the Satoshi rabbit hole, and the reasons for entering the space are as diverse as...

Git Pathspecs and How to Use Them

When I was looking through the documentation of git commands, I noticed that many of them had an option for <pathspec>. I initially thought that this was just a technical way to say “path,” and assumed that it could only accept directories and filenames. After diving into the rabbit hole...

Let Mavo Shine in Building Interactive Web Applications

As you could guess from the title, this tutorial is dedicated to Mavo: a new, approachable way to create complex, reactive, persistent web applications just by writing HTML and CSS, without a single line of JavaScript and no server backend. 🐇 Follow the white rabbit! Mavo is developed...

Collective #427

Rabbit Ear * DevTube * Lepto * Accessibility inspector * Stream UI Kit * IssueHunt * Web Animations in WebKit * Gio.js Collective #427 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Ruská média a Ukrajinská města zasáhl vyděračský červ Bad Rabbit

Rusko, Ukrajinu, Německo i Turecko postihl nový kybernetický útok za pomoci vyděračského softwaru. Ransomware nazvaný Bad Rabbit zašifroval počítače některých médií či dopravních podniků a za odblokování žádal výkupné.Další články k tématu:Drží vaše data jako rukojmí? Těchto 107 typů ransomware...

[aktualita] Šíří se nový ransomware Bad Rabbit, maskuje se jako update Flashe

Počítačové systémy zatím zejména v Rusku a na Ukrajině začal 24. října napadat nový ransomware, pro který se začal používat název Bad Rabbit. Mezi napadenými jsou například ruská tisková agentura Interfax, platební systém v kyjevském metru či mezinárodní letiště v ukrajinské Oděse, informuje server...

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