
Nalezeno "Roman": 77

KyberSwap Exploited in $46 Million Attack Due to ‘Infinite Money Glitch’

Source: AdobeStock / Roman Samokhin According to Ambient Exchange founder Doug Colkitt, KyberSwap’s $46 million hack was “the most complex and carefully engineered smart contract exploit” and confirmed that what happened was an infinite money glitch. In a detailed thread on...

Tornado Cash Co-Founder Roman Storm Released on Bail

One of the founders of the Tornado Cash crypto mixer, Roman Storm, has been released on bail, his lawyer announced on social media. Storm, who was arrested in the United States, has been charged with money laundering and sanctions violations through the unlicensed platform. Storm Out on Bail After...

Founders of Crypto Mixer Tornado Cash Accused of Laundering $1 Billion

The founders of the cryptocurrency mixing service Tornado Cash were charged Thursday with allegedly helping to launder more than $1 billion in digital currency, including funds taken by North Korean hackers. Department of Justice: ‘You Can’t Hide From Us Behind a Keyboard — Whether You’re a Hacker...

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