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Hong Kong digital yuan pilot lacks P2P capabilities

While Hong Kong residents can sign up for a digital yuan (e-CNY) wallet with a phone number, the CBDC is currently restricted to cross-border transactions and cannot be used for person-to-person transfers within Hong Kong

Rwandan Research Paper Recommends CBDC With ‘Partial Pseudo-Anonymity’

A recent research paper from the National Bank of Rwanda recommends a two-tier, universal, zero-interest central bank digital currency (CBDC) with partial pseudo-anonymity. Although the research paper identifies 15 opportunities for CBDC, only four are said to offer “high potential benefits...

iPhone Currently Not Compatible with Digital Euro: ECB Board Member

An ECB executive board member wants Apple to change how iPhone payments work to support a potential digital euro. He claims the tech giant's current system may not support offline payments for any European Central Bank digital currency. The post iPhone Currently Not Compatible with Digital Euro:...

Reserve Bank of New Zealand Releases Digital Currency Consultation Paper

The Reserve Bank of Zealand has said the proposed digital version of the country’s physical cash would provide universal access to central bank money, either in physical cash or digital form. According to the central bank, the digital version will not only be government-backed but will also...

New Zealand Begins Plans To Introduce CBDC

An open survey on "Digital Cash," a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC), has begun, according to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). This was revealed in a consultation document that the central bank published on April 17. The post New Zealand Begins Plans To Introduce CBDC appeared...

UAE Introduces CBDC Implementation Strategy – Here’s What’s Inside

The UAE's central bank has announced a comprehensive strategy to implement a central bank digital currency (CBDC) for retail and wholesale use. In partnership with technology providers R3 and G42 Cloud, the UAE envisions that digital dirham will streamline cross-border transactions, enhance...

Sweden’s Riksbank Releases Final Report on CBDC Project

Sweden’s Riksbank has released its final report on its central bank digital currency (CBDC), the e-Krona, which focused on offline payments.  The post Sweden’s Riksbank Releases Final Report on CBDC Project appeared first on Cryptonews

Real-World Assets Platform Gluwa Considers Developing Liberia’s CBDC

The real-world assets platform, Gluwa, is exploring the potential to assist in the development and launch of Liberia’s central bank digital currency. To increase the likelihood of the digital currency’s success, Gluwa is also considering the launch of a satellite-based internet service. Making...

Global Surge in CBDC Exploration Leaves US Playing Catch-Up: Study

An Atlantic Council study showed that 134 countries, or 98% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), are currently exploring a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This number has surged from just 35 since May 2020. The post Global Surge in CBDC Exploration Leaves US Playing Catch-Up: Study...

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