
Nalezeno "airbnb": 102

NFT Rental Has Major Growth Potential as 'Airbnb of the Metaverse' - Analysts

  The non-fungible token (NFT) rental marketplace is demonstrating a major potential for growth, meriting a close watch as the “Airbnb of the metaverse,” according to a recent report by Asian digital asset platform Matrixport. Observing the current landscape, said the report, NFT financialization...

Deathloop: The Kotaku Review

Video games are inescapably intertwined with iteration and do-overs. It’s written into the technology that builds them, the development practices that craft them, and often the very rules governing how they work: win-lose, trial and error. Some games have tried to mask this artifice in the service...

A Shared ESLint Configuration

Looks like it was almost 9 years ago when Airbnb first published their JavaScript Style Guide. 112k stars on GitHub later, it seems like the de facto preset for Babel / ES Lint. But it’s not the only company … The post A Shared ESLint Configuration appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Airbnb začne u ubytování ukazovat rychlost a kvalitu Wi-Fi

Pokud jedete na dovolenou nebo služební cestu, už nemusíte jen doufat, že bude v místě ubytování dostatečně rychlé internetové připojení. Provozovatel ubytovací platformy Airbnb ve čtvrtek oznámil, že plánuje do své aplikace zařadit novou sekci, která bude ukazovat rychlost a kvalitu

User Reviews Are Still The Best Tool We Have

It’s an increasingly common refrain: user reviews, particularly on Steam and Metacritic, are increasingly unhelpful. We’ve covered all the facets of review bombing for years, but what’s interesting is that some developers themselves are backing the idea of scrapping user reviews altogether.Read more

How to Fix Crypto Art NFTs' Carbon Pollution Problem

The “crypto-” carbon crisis is evolving. And after years of low-key use, art and collectibles tied to what are known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded into the global discourse as the Next Big Thing. Embedded with it, though, is an existential tension.Read more

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