
Nalezeno "all that": 42

Using a brightness() filter to generically highlight content

Rick Strahl: I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve implemented a custom ‘button’ like CSS implementation. Over the years I’ve used images, backgrounds, gradients, and opacity to effectively ‘highlight’ a control. All that works of course,...

Excluding Emojis From Transparent Text Clipping

CSS-Tricks has this pretty cool way of styling hovered links. By default, the text is a fairly common blue. But hover of the links, and they’re filled with a linear gradient. 😍 Pretty neat, right? And the trick isn’t all that complicated. On hover… give the link a linear...

Chapter 3: The Website

Previously in web history… Berners-Lee, motivated by his own curiosity, creates the World Wide Web at CERN. He releases its technologies to the public domain, which enables the development of several new browsers for every operating system. Mosaic proves to the most popular, and...

More Control Over CSS Borders With background-image

You can make a typical CSS border dashed or dotted. For example: .box { border: 1px dashed black; border: 3px dotted red; } You don’t have all that much control over how big or long the dashes or gaps are. And you certainly can’t give the dashes slants, fading, or animation!...

Exploring Decentraland: A Review of the Virtual World Built on Ethereum

During the last two weeks, I’ve been roaming around the virtual world Decentraland in order to get some perspective on the platform supported by the Ethereum Blockchain. The following is a review of my experience in Decentraland and observing all that has been built since it was invoked over...

Innovating on Web Monetization: Coil and Firefox Reality

I still think Coil is cool. I have it installed on CSS-Tricks as a publisher and money trickles in. I have a paid account and I trickle out money to other sites that use it. I wrote about all that last year. This’ll explode to something huge if we actually get the Web Monetization API stuff....

Creating Playful Effects With CSS Text Shadows

Let’s have a look at how we can use the CSS text-shadow property to create truly 3D-looking text. You might think of text-shadow as being able to apply blurred, gradient-looking color behind text, and you would be right! But just like box-shadow, you can control how blurred the shadow is, including...

Getting JavaScript to Talk to CSS and Sass

JavaScript and CSS have lived beside one another for upwards of 20 years. And yet it’s been remarkably tough to share data between them. There have been large attempts, sure. But, I have something simple and intuitive in mind — something not involving a structural change, but rather putting...

Sticky Table of Contents with Scrolling Active States

Say you have a two-column layout: a main column with content. Say it has a lot of content, with sections that requires scrolling. And let's toss in a sidebar column that is largely empty, such that you can safely put a position: sticky; table of contents over there for all that content in the main...

This Week in Bitcoin: $8 Billion BTC Trust and Maximalists Misbehaving

This Week in Bitcoin is your roundup of the prime talking points from across the cryptosphere. From the major news to the minor debates that erupted into huge arguments, we’ve captured the flavor of the frenetic soup that is Bitcoin and all that simmers in it. In this edition, the deadline...

Blockchain to revolutionize the future of warfare

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 5 November, 2019 Overcome “The only use of an obstacle is to be overcome. All that an obstacle does with brave men is, not to frighten them, but to challenge them.” – Woodrow Wilson […] The post Blockchain to revolutionize the future...

Blockchain to revolutionize the future of warfare

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 5 November, 2019 Overcome “The only use of an obstacle is to be overcome. All that an obstacle does with brave men is, not to frighten them, but to challenge them.” – Woodrow Wilson […] The post Blockchain to revolutionize the future...

Nested Gradients with background-clip

I can't say I use background-clip all that often. I'd wager it's hardly ever used in day-to-day CSS work. But I was reminded of it in a post by Stefan Judis, which consistently was itself a learning-response post to a post over here by Ana Tudor. Here's a quick explanation. You've probably seen...

Get the Best Domain Name for your New Website

(This is a sponsored post.) If you're on CSS-Tricks, we can probably bet that you're in the process of building a really cool website. You've spent your time creating content, applying appropriate UX design techniques, coding it to perfection, and now you're about ready to launch it to the world. A...

Bitcoin Vs. Gold : All that Glitters is not Gold, But Bitcoin Certainly is!

Change is the other name of life. Since time is immemorial, every aspect of human life has been evolved. It is becoming more accessible and more comfortable for the whole of humankind. And before every significant change, there is resistance. The same way, after the advent of cryptocurrencies...

Review: The Corazon Trezor by Gray Is Made of Titanium

Hardware wallets don’t have to look beautiful – they just have to work. The Corazon by Gray is a silver titanium device that happens to delivers on both counts. USB hardware has never looked or felt so good in your hand. All that brushed metal and angular chic comes at a price though...

Slide an Image to Reveal Text with CSS Animations

I want to take a closer look at the CSS animation property and walk through an effect that I used on my own portfolio website: making text appear from behind a moving object. Here’s an isolated example if you’d like to see the final product. Here’s what we're going to work with: See the...

Teaching Your Clients How to Use The Website You Built Them

I share my own thoughts on how you might go about educating someone you just built a site for. But it turns out I had a lot of fun putting together a ton of other people's thoughts as well. I tweeted about it and got a flood of responses, so this article is an amalgamation of all that. Direct...

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