Den s Amouranth, nebo PlayStation 5? Fanoušci dávají přednost konzoli
Populární streamerka Amouranth na svém twitterovém účtu zveřejnila několik anket, v nichž se fanoušků ptá, jestli by radši strávili den s ní, anebo dostali moderní herní hardware. Většina z nich volí druhou možnost
The Surprising Reason Twitch Star Amouranth Hasn't Ditched NSFW Content (Yet)
When 29-year-old Kaitlyn Siragusa—Twitch streamer Amouranth—said that if it weren’t for her allegedly abusive husband’s threats, she wouldn’t post as much NSFW content, some self-decided experts online expressed skepticism instead of compassion. They sustained their bad attitudes through Siragusa’s...
Anonym poslal Amouranth milion a půl korun, hezky mu poděkovala
Aktuálně nejsledovanější žena na streamovací platformě Twitch obdržela od anonymního fanouška působivý dar. Televizi, iPhone 14 Pro Max, pepřový sprej, taser a batoh Louis Vuitton nacpaný bankovkami v hodnotě 69 tisíc dolarů
Twitch Streamer Amouranth Receives $70,000 In Cash, Private Security From Anonymous Donor
29-year-old Kaitlyn Siragusa, who variety streams on Twitch as Amouranth, has not had an easy year. She pushed her offline extracurriculars, buying an inflatable pool company and building her investments, but her public life got overshadowed by her brutally candid disclosure that she was in...
Amouranth se po skandálu vrátila na Twitch, místo svlékání zase hraje hry
Jedna z nejpopulárnějších streamerek světa v říjnu šokovala své fanoušky, když oznámila rozchod se svým manželem, který ji měl podle jejích slov zneužívat. Nyní je zpátky a tvrdí, že život je opět skvělý
Amouranth Streamed 'More Overwatch Than Hot Tub' Last Month, Says 'Life Is Better'
Over a month after announcing that she was splitting from her husband following accusations of an abusive relationship, streamer Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa has taken to Twitter to reveal some news (and statistics) about how things have been going in the weeks since.Read more
Svlékat se před kamerou mě nutil manžel, tvrdí streamerka Amouranth
Jedna z nejsledovanějších streamerek světa poprvé před kamerou přiznala, že je vdaná. Zároveň však svého manžela obvinila z toho, že ji vydíral a nutil před diváky dělat věci, se kterými vnitřně nesouhlasila
Twitch Streamer Amouranth Says She's Taking A Break After Disclosing Abuse
Two days after Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa regained control of her finances and social media accounts from her abusive husband, she announced that she would be taking a break from streaming, and she’s “not sure” when she would return. Read more
Twitch Star Amouranth Says 'I'm Free', Is Seeking 'Legal And Emotional Counsel'
Streamer and content creator Kaitlyn Siragusa, aka Amouranth, has recorded a video for the first time since the events of Sunday evening—when she first revealed that she was in an abusive relationship with her husband—to update fans on what has been happening, saying she’s “happy that I’m free”....
Amouranth Says She Is Being Abused By Her Husband
Streamer and content creator Kaitlyn Siragusa, aka Amouranth, has said on camera earlier today that she has been the subject of abuse, with her husband accused of making a series of manipulative threats against her.Read more
Amouranth Can't Be Your Girlfriend, She's Building An Empire Beyond Twitch
“This video may be inappropriate for some users,” YouTube warns me after I select a video posted by 28-year-old Texan Kaitlyn Siragusa, who is better known online as the hot tub tsarina of Twitch, Amouranth. Read more
Amouranth už nechce být erotickým idolem a mohutně investuje
Populární streamerka oznámila, že už nechce být nadále vnímána jako e-girl a tak už přes stránku OnlyFans nebude nadále zásobovat fanoušky erotickým obsahem. Místo toho koupila již třetí benzinovou stanici a společnost vyrábějící nafukovací hračky
Amouranth Says She's 'Quitting' OnlyFans, Invests In Twitch
On April 12, top Twitch streamer and content creator Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa announced her intention to quit OnlyFans this June. She tweeted that she had made a $350,000-$400,000 investment in Twitch, and that she had plans for “moving “influencer” and “creator economy” into what...
Top Twitch Streamer Amouranth Buys Inflatable Pool Company
Talk about literally owning your brand. Top Twitch streamer Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa, who made waves last year as a prominent figure during the streaming service’s “hot tub meta,” has recently purchased an inflatable pool company, she announced on Twitter today.Read more
The Gulf Between Amouranth and Other Top Women Streamers On Twitch Is Enormous, Stats Say
When Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa isn’t getting banned from Twitch for things like wearing a horse mask and suggestively slurping a microphone, she’s pulling huge viewership numbers month after month. Not only was she Twitch’s leading female streamer for October, she accrued almost as many view...
Amouranth investuje. Kromě výstřihu se chlubí i benzínovou pumpou
Provokativní streamerka Amouranth zaskočila všechny své fanoušky i odpůrce, když informovala, že si za čtyři miliony dolarů koupila benzínovou pumpu. Nečekejte ovšem, že vám snad jednou tato krásná dívka umyje okénka a natankuje nádrž, z její strany jde totiž především o způsob, jak se vyhnout...
Twitch Streamer Amouranth Bought A Gas Station For -$110,000 Using Rich-Person Math
Yes, the headline is correct. The popular Twitch streamer Amouranth did in fact purchase a gas station. Not only did she purchase a gas station, she claims to have done so while turning a profit through tax deductions. To prove this, she tweeted out a bunch of rich-person math—which makes my brain...
Provokativní streamerka Amouranth byla vykázána ze sociálních sítí
Osmadvacetiletá streamerka Kaitlyn Michelle Siragusa známá především pod přezdívkou Amouranth dostala nečekaně ban na sociálních sítích Instagram, TikTok a Twitch. Vypršela už správcům těchto platforem trpělivost s jejím lascivním vystupováním na hraně pravidel?
Stream Star Amouranth Banned From Twitch, TikTok, And Insta (She'll Be Fine)
Popular Twitch streamer Kaitlyn Siragusa, also known as “Amouranth,” was simultaneously banned from Twitch, TikTok, and Instagram on October 8th. The reasons are still unknown, but this marks the fifth time the infamous “hot tub” streamer has been banned from Twitch.Read more
Amouranth Is Twitch's Smartest Troll, But She's On Thin Ice
It’s past midnight on a Tuesday. Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa stands in her bedroom, which emanates a soothing purple glow. Clad in a fire engine-red top and a choker with a heart-shaped clasp, she appears neither bored nor tired, nor does her tongue seem to be pulsating in agony. This is pertinent...