Review: The Corazon Trezor by Gray Is Made of Titanium
Hardware wallets don’t have to look beautiful – they just have to work. The Corazon by Gray is a silver titanium device that happens to delivers on both counts. USB hardware has never looked or felt so good in your hand. All that brushed metal and angular chic comes at a price though...
Detect Responsive Screen Sizes in Angular
Most of the time, we use CSS media queries to handle responsive, screen size changes to layout our content differently. However, there are times where CSS media queries alone isn't sufficient for t
Deploying an Angular App to Netlify
Netlify is one of the best places to deploy an application or a website today. There is no need to manage a server, NGINX, certificates, or scaling due to hig
Class Components in Vue are No Longer Happening
An upcoming Vue update was set to have classes implemented. In React and Angular, we can create components u
Angular v8 is Released!
Angular's 8.0.0 release is here! This is a major release that brings some nice features. For the official blog post, check the
New ECMAScript Modules in Node v12
If you’re familiar with popular JavaScript frontend frameworks like React, Angular, etc, then the concept of ECMAScript won’t be entirely new to you. ES Modules have the import and
Advanced Tooling for Web Components
Over the course of the last four articles in this five-part series, we’ve taken a broad look at the technologies that make up the Web Components standards. First, we looked at how to create HTML templates that could be consumed at a later time. Second, we dove into creating our own custom element....
Schematics: A Plug-in System for JavaScript Projects
Schematics is a tool from the Angular team that allows you to manipulate projects with code. You can create files, update existing files, and add dependencies to any project that has a packag
Why CSS Needs its Own Survey
2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular.
Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some...
Integrating Google Analytics With Angular 2+
For this tutorial, knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as some familiarity with Angular 2 development is expected. An understanding of Google analytics would be bene
MVC in an Angular World
When designing software with a user interface, it is important to structure the code in a way that makes it easy to extend and maintain. Over time, there have been a few approaches in separating ou
Angular, Autoprefixer, IE11, and CSS Grid Walk into a Bar…
I am attracted to the idea that you shouldn't care how the code you author ends up in the browser. It's already minified. It's already gzipped. It's already transmogrified (real word!) by things that polyfill it, things that convert it into code that older browsers understand, things that make...
Error Handling with Angular 6 - Tips and Best Practices
Handling errors properly is essential in building a robust application in Angular. Error handlers provide an opportunity to present friendly information to the user and collect important data for d
Build Your First Angular Website: Show a Single User Using Route Parameters
We now have our users section that lists our users. This works great, but now we have to show off a single user. The route to see a single user is defined by their username:
Build Your First Angular Website: Lazy Loading an Angular Section
Next up, let's create a section of our site specifically dedicated to users. We have many users that are part of our site and we'll have two parts to this:
/users where we
Build Your First Angular Website: Routing to Two Pages
Now that we have two pages, let's start routing to them. We want to be able to click around to our pages. Currently we are showing both our HomeComponent and ContactComponent
Build Your First Angular Website: Contact Form Validations
We've created our contact form and are able to submit it using the processForm() method on our class:
<!-- form goes here -->
<form (ngSub
Building “Renderless” Vue Components
There's this popular analogy of Vue that goes like this: Vue is what you get when React and Angular come together and make a baby. I've always shared this feeling. With Vue’s small learning curve, it's no wonder so many people love it. Since Vue tries to give the developer power over components...
Use Angular and NativeScript to Build a Web and Mobile Application
Angular has been around for a few years now and since its release it has been useful when creating many different categories of applications, including web as well as mobile. The problem, at least
Jak jsme přestavěli javascriptovou aplikaci, aby jí i roboti rozuměli
Popíšeme vám, jak jsme náš projekt původně postavený na Angularu upravili, aby byl snadno dostupný i pro roboty