
Nalezeno "application-specific integrated circuit": 41

Today’s Top Ethereum and Bitcoin Mining Devices Continue to Rake in Profits

As the crypto economy hovers just under $2 trillion in value, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining devices are making decent profits. While ASIC miners can still mine ethereum, a 1.5 gigahash (GH/s) Ethash mining device can rake in $51.58 per day in profits. SHA256 bitcoin miners...

Bitcoin Mining Firm Luxor Launches ASIC Trading Desk

On January 11, 2022, the Washington-based bitcoin mining operation Luxor announced the launch of a new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) trading desk. According to the company, Luxor’s new trading desk will give miners and investors access to bitcoin ASIC mining rigs “at...

Demand for Mining Hardware Spikes in Russia, Prices Rise

The market for crypto mining equipment in Russia has seen strong interest from buyers of both new and used devices, retail data indicates. This year, demand for application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) machines has multiplied exponentially while video cards have been in short supply leading...

Norway’s Fourth-Richest Man Invests in a Crypto Mining ASIC Manufacturer

According to regional reports, the Norwegian billionaire and hedge fund manager, Ole Andreas Halvorsen, is investing funds into an energy-reducing cryptocurrency mining chip hardware company. The company Norway’s fourth richest man is investing in claims to build application-specific...

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