
Nalezeno "blockchain transactions": 39

Here is How BIP-199 Could 'Kill' Bitcoin According to Andreas Antonopoulos

  Bitcoin (BTC) educator, author, and entrepreneur Andreas Antonopoulos has voiced concern regarding a possible far-reaching consequence of the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 119 that he says could "kill" Bitcoin.... Read More: Here is How BIP-199 Could 'Kill' Bitcoin According to Andreas...

Sekuritance Is Here to Boost Public Confidence in Blockchain Transactions

Crypto’s anarchic nature, with the emphasis on decentralization, lacks any regulatory bodies so far. But sooner or later it will have to adopt standards of some kind because when money moves in and out from the blockchains to and from the traditional financial system, some kind of compliance...

Ethereum Blockchain Transactions Reach Double that of Bitcoin

The Ethereum (ETH) network has managed to surpass Bitcoin (BTC) in one more way as ETH now transacting twice as much as BTC, according to crypto research and analytics firm, Messari. The Ethereum blockchain has recently overtaken Bitcoin in daily transaction volumes by a factor of two-to-one, their...

Traditional Law and Finance Can Adapt to Bitcoin, These Examples Show

Bitcoin brought about solutions to persistent problems that stood in the way of previous attempts to invent digital money, such as the risk of double spending. Some of its features, however, like the characteristic irreversibility of blockchain transactions, have created certain challenges for...

PR: Wallet Joins Blockchain Consortium FIO wallet, the official wallet of, has joined the Foundation for Interwallet Operability (FIO) in a move that will assist the wave of new users who are expected to join cryptocurrency markets as a result of June’s recent coin and token price increase. The post PR:

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