Collective #583
The CSS Cascade * Sideway * Teaching in the open: Eleventy * Form Design Patterns
Collective #583 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
The Order of CSS Classes in HTML Doesn’t Matter
That’s right! And I can prove it, too. Let’s look at some CSS first:
.a {
color: red;
.b {
color: blue;
And now let’s look at some markup:
<div class="a b">Here’s some text</div>
The text is going to be blue because .b is defined last in the CSS, right? But what if we...
The Power (and Fun) of Scope with CSS Custom Properties
You’re probably already at least a little familiar with CSS variables. If not, here’s a two-second overview: they are really called custom properties, you set them in declaration blocks like --size: 1em and use them as values like font-size: var(--size);, they differ from preprocessor variables...
Intel chystá procesor Cascade Lake-X s osmnácti jádry. Už se objevil v databázi Geekbench 4
Intel chystá na trh sérii velmi výkonných desktopových čipů Cascade Lake-×, které se budou pyšnit hlavně velkým počtem jader. V dubnu se objevily první zmínky o desetijádrové verzi a nyní se v databázi testovacího programu objevil procesor této série v 18jádrové verzi.
Jak lze vidět dle detekce
Procesory Intel Cascade Lake-X přijdou na podzim. Zrychlí, ale PCIe 4.0 stále podporovat nebudou
Intel prozradil, co nás tento rok čeká v oblasti jeho procesorů kategorie HEDT (high-end desktop) pro soket LGA2066. Nečekejte žádné dramatické změny. Nové procesory Cascade Lake-X budou stále vyráběné 14nm procesem, ten je nicméně do jisté míry vylepšen a Intel ho značí jako 14nm++. Díky tomu by
What makes someone a good front-end developer?
We recently covered this exact same thing, but from the perspective of a bunch of developers.
Chris Ferdinandi weighs in:
The least important skills for a front-end developer to have are technical ones.
The nuances of JavaScript. How to use a particular library, framework, or build tool. How...
CSS Selectors are Conditional Statements
foo {
Programmatically, is:
if (element has a class name of "foo") {
Descendent selectors are && logic and commas are ||. It just gets more complicated from there, with things like combinators and pseudo selectors. Just look at all the ways styles can cascade.
Jeremy Keith: