
Nalezeno "claude": 66

Claude AI má novou verzi 3 a konečně si ji můžete vyzkoušet i z Česka

Parta přeběhlíků od Sama Altmana s finanční podporou od Googlu a Amazonu představila nové multimodální modely umělé inteligence. Dva z nich jsou už od včerejška přístupné a jeden i zdarma. Anthropic dnes představil novou rodinu modelů Claude 3. Z trojice Opus, Sonet a Haiku byl každý model

Star Ocean 2 Gets The Definitive Remake Every Classic PS1 RPG Deserves

We’ve seen Square Enix port a lot of beloved RPGs from the original PlayStation to modern platforms in recent years. Some have been fine. A few have been disappointing. None of them seemed quite worthy of the source material they were working with…until Star Ocean The Second Story R. The Final...

Americans Have Their Say in Constitution for AI

Anthropic has acquired the views of a group of American citizens on the fundamental principles that should govern artificial intelligence (AI). The gathered opinions have formed the basis of a “constitution for AI” as part of an attempt to explore how democratic processes can influence...

Meta AI Assistant Launches to Compete With Chatbots Like Chatgpt

Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, launched its own chatbot based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Meta AI provides an alternative to products like Openai’s Chatgpt and is setting out to offer interaction tailored to attend to different interests and solve...

Amazon to Invest up to $4 Billion in AI Firm Anthropic

Amazon, the worldwide tech behemoth, has announced that it will invest up to $4 billion in Anthropic, an artificial intelligence (AI) firm that has developed Claude, a generative AI assistant. As part of this strategic partnership, Anthropic will train its models on top of Amazon silicon,...

Amazon investuje 4 miliardy dolarů do tvůrce AI modelu Claude

Strategickému spojenectví Microsoftu s firmou OpenAI roste konkurence. Společnost Anthropic, která stojí za velkým jazykovým modelem Claude 2, oznámila, že do ní 4 miliardy dolarů investuje americký obr Amazon. Firma za to v Anthropicu získá menšinový podíl

Every Street Fighter Game, Ranked From Worst To Best

1987 saw the start of something huge, though no one knew it at the time. Capcom’s Street Fighter seemed like just another arcade game. Nice graphics, sure, but no one could have guessed that just four years later its sequel would spark a revolution that transformed arcades as we knew them. Suddenly...

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