
Nalezeno "documentation": 66

To $ or Not to $: Displaying Terminal Code Snippets

It’s very popular to put a $ on lines that are intended to be a command in code documentation that involves the terminal (i.e. the command line). Like this: $ brew install somepackage The point of that is that it … The post To $ or Not to $: Displaying Terminal Code Snippets appeared...


You can’t even look at code or documentation for Astro (publicly) yet — it’s an in-progress idea — but you can watch a video of Fred showing it off to Feross. I gotta admit: it looks awesome. I’m bullish … The post Astro appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

World’s Wealthiest Annual Ranking Now Lists 12 Crypto Billionaires

The American business magazine Forbes recently published the company’s 2021 documentation of the wealthiest billionaires in the world. According to the list published annually every March, there are now 12 billionaires that work directly within the cryptocurrency industry and the list...

Open Web Docs

Robert Nyman: Open Web Docs was created to ensure the long-term health of web platform documentation on de facto standard resources like MDN Web Docs, independently of any single vendor or organization. Through full-time staff, community management, and … The post Open Web Docs...

Cloudinary Fetch with Eleventy (Respecting Local Development)

This is about a wildly specific combination of technologies — Eleventy, the static site generator, with pages with images on them that you ultimately want hosted by Cloudinary — but I just wanna document it as it sounds like a decent amount of people run into this situation. The deal: Cloudinary...

Quick LocalStorage Usage in Vue

localStorage can be an incredibly useful tool in creating experiences for applications, extensions, documentation, and a variety of use cases. I’ve personally used it in each! In cases where you’re storing something small for the user that doesn’t need to be kept permanently...

Using Markdown and Localization in the WordPress Block Editor

If we need to show documentation to the user directly in the WordPress editor, what is the best way to do it? Since the block editor is based on React, we may be tempted to use React components and HTML code for the documentation. That is the approach I followed in my previous article, which...

Ethereum Classic Labs Partners With Filecoin for Proper Documentation

San Francisco based ETC accelerator Ethereum Classic Labs has announced a partnership with decentralized blockchain-based storage network Filecoin. In the official tweet, Ethereum Classic Labs said that the collaboration brings OpenRPC support for Lotus for the first time and multiple languages....

Deeper DX

Shawn Wang thinks there are deeper, perhaps more uncomfortable, places to go with developer experience (DX) beyond the surface-level stuff that we recently covered. Sure, sure, documentation, CLIs, good demos. But there are much harder questions to answer that are part of the real DX. Shawn lists...

Can you get valid CSS property values from the browser?

I had someone write in with this very legit question. Lea just blogged about how you can get valid CSS properties themselves from the browser. That’s like this. CodePen Embed Fallback That gives you, for example, the fact that cursor is a thing. But then how do you know what valid values...

A Bit on Web Component Libraries

A run of Web Components news crossed my desk recently so I thought I’d group it up here. To my mind, one of the best use cases for Web Components is pattern libraries. Instead of doing, say, <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> like you would do in Bootstrap or <div class="tabs"> like...

marketstack: A Market Data API

(This is a sponsored post.) I like the apilayer company tagline: “Automate What Should Be Automated.” They have this thick suite of products that are all APIs with clear documentation. They all have usable free tiers to develop against and prove out an idea, and then paid plans if...

Lazy Loaded Prefill Embeds

Lemme sum this up: CodePen has Embedded Pens. Build a Pen on CodePen, embed it on any other site. We also offer Prefill Embeds, which remove that first step. With Prefill Embeds, the Pen doesn’t need to exist on CodePen at all. You pass in the code and settings you want to appear in...

An Eleventy Starter with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

When I decided to try to base my current personal website on Eleventy, I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel: I tested all the Eleventy starters built with Tailwind CSS that I could find in Starter Projects from the documentation. Many of the starters seemed to integrate Tailwind CSS in...

WebP Image Support Coming to iOS 14

Apple announced a ton of new updates at yesterday’s WWDC20 keynote address, from new hardware to updated applications. There’s lots to gawk at and enough device-envy to go around. But there’s one little line in the Safari 14 Beta release notes that caught my eye: Added WebP image...

Adding a Custom Welcome Guide to the WordPress Block Editor

I am creating a WordPress plugin and there is a slight learning curve when it comes to using it. I’d like to give users a primer on how to use the plugin, but I want to avoid diverting users to documentation on the plugin’s website since that takes them out of the experience. What would...

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