10 Manga You Should Read If You Loved Chainsaw Man
The Makima simps of the world are no doubt going through rough post-season withdrawals now that Chainsaw Man Tuesdays are a thing of the past. If you’re in dire need of something to read that’s in the same wheelhouse as Tatsuki Fujimoto’s magnum opus, you’re in luck, because we’ve got a list...
Fake Zelda Netflix Posters Blow Up, Make People Think Tom Holland Will Play Link
Convincing fakes have been a menace since at least the advent of photography, so what’s shocking about a set of AI-generated Zelda posters that are making the rounds on social media is the number of people who’ve decided that they are real. As of writing, these fake images of a supposed...
UN Human Rights Chief Voices Concern Over Assange Extradition Case, Wikileaks Continues to Raise Large Sums of Crypto
On Saturday, the human rights chief at the United Nations (UN), Michelle Bachelet, said that the potential extradition of whistleblower Julian Assange raises concerns for the rights of future whistleblowers and investigative journalists. Meanwhile, cryptocurrency supporters have continued to donate...
Sony Is Being Sued For Gender Discrimination At PlayStation Again
A former PlayStation employee is suing parent company Sony for a second time over what the lawsuit describes as “gender-based discrimination and gender-based harassment” after a similar legal action was dismissed in April. (h/t Axios)Read more
Tajuplná královna na knížecím stolci: Kdo byla záhadná kněžna Emma?
Postava kněžny Emmy na sebe přitahuje stále pozornost. Dochované prameny však o ní poskytují značně zlomkovité, často zdánlivě nesouvisející či dokonce odporující si informace. Právě proto vzniklo okolo této české kněžny velké množství nejasností, domněnek a hypotéz
PlayStation's Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Dismissed By Court
A lawsuit brought against Sony last year accusing PlayStation of “pay disparity, wrongful termination, and other instances of gender-based discrimination” has been dismissed by the United States District Court of North California.Read more
Eight More Women Accuse PlayStation Of 'Systemic Sexism'
In November 2021 a class-action lawsuit was filed against PlayStation alleging “pay disparity, wrongful termination, and other instances of gender-based discrimination” at the company’s California offices. Sony has since sought to have the case thrown out, but now, more women have come forward with...
PlayStation Faces Gender Discrimination Lawsuit From Former Staffer
Sony is facing a suit alleging pay disparity, wrongful termination, and other instances of gender-based discrimination. As Axios reports, a former IT staffer filed suit in California district court yesterday.Read more
Cosplayer Simply Becomes Angelina Jolie
I’ve featured the work of Alyson Tabbitha a bunch of times here on Kotaku, because she’s just the best. Her make-up work is transformative, and in the past she has shape-shifted into everyone from Wonder Woman to Jack Sparrow to Leeloo Dallas.Read more
Here's What Will Improve After Battlefield 2042's Chaotic, Buggy Beta
The open beta for Battlefield 2042 was chaotic, buggy, and pretty limited given the scope of the latest game in the long-running shooter series. For developer DICE the beta was one more thing: a learning experience. In an article posted yesterday Battlefield 2042 devs introduce five new specialists...
Game Industry Women Need You To Stop Defining Them By Their Trauma
The games industry is in a moment of reckoning. Over the past few weeks, a series of damning reports have shed details about the culture of harassment experienced by women at the hands of big gaming companies like Ubisoft and Activision Blizzard.Read more
Elon Musk Impersonators Rake in $2 Million: Regulator Warns of Fake Giveaway Cryptocurrency Scams
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says reports of cryptocurrency scams have skyrocketed. In particular, people have reported sending more than $2 million in cryptocurrency to Elon Musk impersonators within the past six months. Elon Musk Impersonators and Other Cryptocurrency Scams The...
[článek] David Beck (Hello Emma): Nechápu, proč Apple dělá s češtinou pro Siri takové drahoty
[12 minut čtení] David Beck vytvořil Emmu, českou náhradu Siri pro iPhone. Kompletně se mu to podařilo v aplikaci Zkratky. David Beck pracuje v rádiu, má rád iPhone a už dlouho se těší na to, že se digitální asistentka Siri naučí česky. Marné čekání ho dovedlo k tomu, že si vytvořil náhradu. Jde...
Mluvili jsme česky na iPhone. Hello Emma je hlasový asistent, který stojí za vyzkoušení
Tradiční hlasoví asistenti jako je Google Assistant, Apple Siri či Amazon Alexa toho umí spoustu. Problém je, že si s nimi v češtině příliš nepopovídáte, česky prostě mluví příliš málo lidí, než aby to budilo zájem technologických gigantů.
Vyzkoušeli jsme alternativu, český projekt Hello Emma.
[aktualita] Hello Emma je náhrada za Siri od Applu, která umí česky. K dispozici je zdarma
Český vývojář David Beck zveřejnil projekt Hello Emma, na kterém pracuje ve volném čase a který na telefony iPhone a tablety iPad přináší digitální asistentku v češtině. Pro některé uživatele tak může jít o alespoň částečnou náhradu za oficiální Siri, která českou podporu nemá a ani nejsou zprávy...
Británii trápí počasí: Mrazy vystřídala sněhová bouře Emma
Británii trápí počasí: Mrazy vystřídala sněhová bouře Emma