The 11 Best Anime Of 2021
The year of our lord 2021 blessed us with a stacked year of mondo cool anime, especially during the winter and fall seasons. Like a goudere Moses descending the Hokage Rock to deliver the good word to the people, it’s my turn as the otaku of Kotaku to present my favorite anime of the year. Here’s...
Neon Genesis Evangelion Cosplay Gets In The F**king Robot
I’ve lost count of the amount of Neon Genesis Evangelion cosplay I’ve posted on this site over the last 10 years, but pretty much all of it has been focused on the anime’s characters, especially Rei and Asuka. It’s enormous mechs are a somewhat trickier proposition.Read more
On User Tracking and Industry Standards on Privacy
Inspired by Eva PenzeyMoog’s new book, Jeremy highlights the widespread user tracking situation in this industry:
There was a line that really stood out to me:
The idea that it’s alright to do whatever unethical thing is currently the
The post On User Tracking...
$7000 Evangelion Jackets Are Some Expensive Cosplay
First shown off in March, Undercover’s new line of Evangelion-inspired outfits are now available for sale. Or should I say were available for sale, until they almost instantly sold out, leaving us to either pay apocalyptic resale prices or, more sensibly, simply look at pictures of them on...
Destiny 2 Gets Slightly Unsettling Goose Game Mask
Bungie has changed up how Destiny 2’s annual Festival of the Lost Halloween celebration works this year, as well as adding a new pulse rifle, and scaly dinosaur armor. But this Untitled Goose Game mask is all that matters.Read more
Hideaki Anno Told Evangelion Voice Actor Secrets She'll Take To Her Grave
Thought we know everything about Evangelion? We don’t, it seems! During a recent press conference for the Blu-ray release of Evangelion 3.333, voice actor Maaya Sakamoto said that creator Hideaki Anno told her secrets, about the character she plays, Mari Illustrious Makinami.Read more
Why Video Game Press Events Sometimes Go Horribly Wrong
With the recent apology from CI Games, the studio creating Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2 who organized a particularly offensive press event, it’s cast my mind back a couple of decades, to the era when I would often go on such trips. It got me thinking about how easily games journalists can...
Evangelion Teams Up With Japanese Sake Maker To Recreate Misato's Apartment
If you’ve seen Evangelion, then you’ve watched Misato Katsuragi drink at home. Her beer of choice? Ebisu. Her sake? Dassai.Read more
Pretty Much Everyone In Resident Evil Village Needs Therapy
I’m a big believer in therapy and finding healthy coping mechanisms, so throughout my playthrough of Resident Evil Village, I kept thinking about how much better off everyone would’ve been had they just worked their shit out. Seriously. I think everyone in this fucked-up game could benefit from...
Hideaki Anno Says Evangelion Is A "Robot Anime"
Over the years, Evangelion fans have often pointed out that the large Eva units are not actually giant robots.Read more
Online Hate Took Evangelion Creator Hideaki Anno To A Dark Place
Hideaki Anno, the creator of Evangelion, is an anime icon. He says he’s done with the series. But with its fame and popularity came haters, who took him to a very dark place.Read more
New Evangelion Statue Going Up In Japan For A Limited Time
With Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, the fourth and final film in the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy, heading to theaters in Japan, a new Unit-01 statue is going up in Ibaraki Prefecture.Read more
[aktualita] Č nově vede Eva Pavlíková, Jakub Nešetřil je předsedou správní rady
Dobrovolnická organizace Č po necelých dvou letech existence mění vedení. Do čela se jako CEO postavila Eva Pavlíková, která dosud v neziskové organizaci fungovala jako výkonná ředitelka. Organizace to oznámila v tiskové zprávě. Zakladatel a dosavadní šéf Č Jakub Nešetřil...
EU politician reveals her conversion to crypto — Eva Kaili
"Lots of my friends lost their savings because banks suddenly shut down and nobody would guarantee their life savings. So this was like quite a shock.”
[aktualita] Zemřela Eva Jurinová, tvář zpravodajství na Nově a Československé televizi
Bývalá televizní a rozhlasová moderátorka Eva Jurinová zemřela. Dlouhé těžké nemoci podle oznámení rodiny podlehla 3. ledna 2021. O jejím úmrtí informoval zpravodajský server Seznamu, s nímž spolupracovala při rozjezdu TV Seznam. Její kariéra začala v polovině 70. let v ostravském studiu...
[aktualita] Do Hlavních zpráv na Primě se vrací Eva Perkausová a Roman Šebrle
Televize Prima oznámila, že od 5. října se do Hlavních zpráv vrátí moderátorská dvojice Eva Perkausová a Roman Šebrle. Doplní Karla Voříška a Kláru Doležalovou. „Pro naši televizi jsou Hlavní zprávy klíčovým pořadem. Jsem proto rád, že ho budou moderovat Eva s Romanem. Oba mají s hlavní...
The Twitter Hack Fiasco: Compromised Internal Tool, Paid Insiders, Direct Message Fears
On Wednesday, a large number of Twitter accounts were compromised and the hackers used the accounts to tweet about a bitcoin doubling scam. According to multiple reports, a Twitter employee was paid to give the hackers an internal tool that let them leverage high-profile social media accounts....
PR: Uruguayan President Meets With the Founder of SCRY
Uruguay, nicknamed South America’s Switzerland, has always taken a positive attitude towards the development of science and technology and information economy as well as science and technology services, thus becoming the first Latin American country to step into 5G information this year. Miss...
Vědecky dokázáno: Eva Puskarčíková je nejkrásnější biatlonistka
Britští výzkumníci chtěli zjistit, jak určujeme, zda je pro nás nějaký člověk atraktivní a jestli se ve vzhledu může odrazit i „výkonnost“ daného jedince. Jako vhodné adepty pro výzkum si vybrali biatlonisty, a to muže i ženy. Zjistili, že se spojitost atraktivity a sportovního výkonu u obou
Ženy ve startupech (22): CzechInvest, Liftago, Genster
Svět startupů, IT a technologií obecně zůstává stále mužskou doménou. A za nás je to velká škoda, protože nejrychleji rostoucí trh si zaslouží ty nejšikovnější lidi. Zhruba polovinu šikovných lidí přitom tvoří právě ženy. Proto jsme se rozhodli představit vám některé z žen, které na současné české...