Russia to Supply Electricity to Kazakhstan’s Cryptocurrency Miners
Russia is preparing to provide Kazakhstan with additional energy needed to operate crypto mining farms in the Central Asian nation. New arrangements will allow Kazakhstan’s miners to buy electricity directly from the Russian power generation and distribution giant Inter RAO. Miners...
Nigeria, Binance in early-stage talks for crypto-friendly economic zone
The proposed partnership aims to build a crypto-friendly digital city similar to the virtual free zone in Dubai
Thunderbird 102 přidává navigační panel a nástroj na snadný import a export dat
Po necelém roce vývoje přináší Thunderbird 102 řadu vylepšení. Pro navigaci napříč e‑maily, kalendářem, adresářem a dalšími moduly a doplňky slouží postranní lišta, která pošťáka připodobňuje k nástrojům jako Outlook. Barevně si ji přizpůsobíte. Barevná je také nová sada ikon pro
Russia Developing Sandbox for Cross-border Crypto Payments
An institute facilitating Russian exports is now working on the establishment of a sandbox for international crypto payments, local media reported. The goal is to identify potential regulatory and technological challenges for settlements with digital assets. Russia Prepares to Test Crypto Payments...
Thunderbird 102 nabídne nový vzhled a usnadní import i export e-mailů
Mozilla na letošek chystá další velkou aktualizaci poštovního klientu. Thunderbird 102, který vyjde zřejmě někdy během léta, ukazuje chystané novinky na oficiálním twitterovém kanálu.
Tvůrci do programu pro Windows, macOS a Linux zařadí boční navigační panel, který bude sloužit k
President Biden Announces Technology Export Controls, Bank Sanctions Against Russia
Several European countries have also announced sanctions to try and force Russia to cease hostilities after it invaded Ukraine
Collective #699
Offscreen Canvas * The State of JS 2021 * gsap-video-export * Hello, CSS Cascade Layers
The post Collective #699 appeared first on Codrops
7.6 Tons Of Fake Pokémon Cards Seized By Chinese Authorities
Customs officials at Shanghai’s Pudong Airport have seized 7.6 tons of fake Pokémon cards. The cards were shipped from a company in China’s Qingdao province and headed for the Netherlands. Read more
Facebook přepracoval službu na přenášení dat a umožní export do Google Kalendáře
Facebook již delší dobu umožňuje přenos dat do jiných služeb. Vše začalo podporou Fotek Google a postupně se přidaly i další. Nyní je možné snadno exportovat i události a do Kalendáře Google.
Co o vás Facebook všechno shromažďuje a jaké údaje má uložené si můžete snadno zobrazit v sekci Vaše
SVG Gobbler
Great little project from Ross Moody:
SVG Gobbler is a browser extension that finds the vector content on the page you’re viewing and gives you the option to download, optimize, copy, view the code, or export it as an image.
The post SVG Gobbler appeared first on CSS-Tricks....
Iran pauses electricity exports due to crypto mining and hot summer
Discounted tariffs made Iran attractive to miners, now the country is having a hard time closing the gap between the production and consumption of electricity
Iran Is Using Bitcoin Mining to Circumvent Sanctions, According to Elliptic
Iran is using Bitcoin mining to circumvent and lessen the effect of the economic sanctions that the U.S. and other countries have applied to the country since 2006, according to a new study by Elliptic, a blockchain analytics and financial crime compliance firm. The country is indirectly using...
Aplikace umí nově export do GPX. Plánování tras bude snazší
Collective #630
Three.js Journey * Phosphor Icons * Understanding Modules, Import and Export in JavaScript
The post Collective #630 appeared first on Codrops
Netlify Edge Handlers
Some very cool news from Netlify: Edge Handlers are in Early Access (request it here). I think these couple of lines of code do a great job in explaining what an Edge Handler is:
export function onRequest(event) {
console.log(`Incoming request for ${event.request.url}`);
Let’s Make Generative Art We Can Export to SVG and PNG
Let’s say you’re a designer. Cool. You’ve been hired to do some design work for a conference. All kinds of stuff. Website. Printed schedules. Big posters for the rooms. Preroll slides. You name it.
So you come up with an aesthetic for it all — a design vibe that ties it...
Adobe Premiere Pro konečně zrychluje export videa díky NVENC
Adobe Premiere Pro akceleruje práci s videem pomocí grafické karty už mnoho let. Nyní ale přichází další zásadní krok - akcelerace exportu videa.
Doposud totiž export videa probíhal výrazně v režii procesoru a grafika jen trochu pomáhala. Jedinou cestou pro rychlejší kódování bylo zvýšení
US Food Inspectors to Test IBM Blockchain for Export Certifications
The blockchain feasibility assessment will search out efficiencies in a process marred by regulations and often complex documentary requirements
Fineon Teams Up With Aon to Cater Credit Insurance on Export Finance Platform
Fineon Exchange is one of the more innovative finance companies in Europe, and in a new development, it has emerged that the Luxembourg based company has teamed up with Aon for one of its latest projects. Fineon has launched a highly innovative platform meant for providing export finance, and...
Podzimní Zoner Photo Studio X přináší nový export fotek a slibuje ďábelskou rychlost
Po půl roce Zoner vydal velký upgrade svého Photo Studia X • Programátoři zapracovali na exportu fotografií a hromadě drobností • Český program se dnes chlubí 32 tisíci předplatitelů