
Nalezeno "food": 339

Starfield's Sandwiches Are Beautiful But Worthless

Before Starfield even launched, in-game sandwiches had become a popular topic online thanks to an early teaser trailer and other videos from Bethesda. Now that the game is out (for those who paid for early access) we can collect and eat sandwiches in Starfield ourselves. And…wait a minute, it only...

Starfield's Sandwiches Are Beautiful But Worthless

Before Starfield even launched, in-game sandwiches had become a popular topic online thanks to an early teaser trailer and other videos from Bethesda. Now that the game is out (for those who paid for early access) we can collect and eat sandwiches in Starfield ourselves. And…wait a minute, it only...

Pro Trader Peter Brandt Says Bitcoin Halving ‘Will Be a Non-Event’

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has said the upcoming bitcoin halving in 2024 and the “inevitable” approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the U.S. are likely to be non-events. Brandt claimed that while the top cryptocurrency’s correlation to other markets is a non-starter, bitcoin’s...

Mr. Beast Sues Food Company Over His ‘Revolting,’ ‘Inedible’ Burgers

James Donaldson aka Mr. Beast, one of the most popular YouTube stars in the world, is suing the virtual kitchen company he partnered with after fans complained about poor-quality food being delivered to their homes. Mr. Beast says that the company sacrificed quality control in order to expand...

Jídlo přes Bolt Food budou rozvážet autonomní roboti. Už obsluhují i Co-op

Rozvoz jídel v rámci služby Bolt Food mají časem obstarávat malí roboti na šesti kolech. Umožní to partnerství, které estonská alternativní taxislužba uzavřela se společností Starship Technologies. Robotické rozvážky nejdříve začne Bolt testovat v estonském Tallinnu a pokud vše půjde dobře, rozšíří

The Top 5 Anime To Watch While You Have The Munchies

If you’re a foodie like me, your algorithm on apps like social media TikTok is filled with over-stylized cooking videos from influencer chefs endeavoring to broaden your cooking horizons. While these overly-produced videos make for helpful slap-dash references whenever I put on my big boy pants...

China’s Inflation Rate Drops to Lowest in 18 Months

The annual inflation rate in China has unexpectedly slowed down in March to its lowest level in a year and a half, the latest statistical data indicates. On a monthly basis, consumer prices decreased for a second consecutive month, despite estimates suggesting they will remain unchanged. Post...

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