
Nalezeno "identify": 111

How to identity fake cryptocurrency

Learn essential cryptocurrency security practices to safeguard your digital assets. Explore crucial ways to protect your wallets, prevent hacks and ensure safe transactions

Curve Finance rolls out a reward of $1.85 million to identify the attacker

Curve Finance, along with other protocols, fell victim to a re-entrancy attack wherein they collectively lost more than $70 million worth of digital assets. The incident dates back to July 30, 2023, and the DeFi protocol has said that it was a software bug that was exploited by an attacker or there...

Curve Finance Offers Public Bounty of $1.85 Million to Identify Hacker

Curve Finance, the troubled DeFi platform that lost over $60 million last week in an exploit, has announced a bounty of $1.85 million to anyone who can identify the exploiter. In a Tweet Monday, the DeFi protocol noted that the deadline for the “voluntary return of funds” in the Curve Finance...

To Identify or Not in a Web3 World?

By striking a balance between privacy and identity verification, blockchains can realize their full potential and lure institutional money

AX1 Releases Research on Binance Key Project – Trust Wallet

PRESS RELEASE. AX1 company recently conducted research on the Trust Wallet, a popular cryptocurrency wallet that has gained a significant following in recent years. The research aimed to understand the level of security and trustworthiness of the wallet, and to identify any potential...


Reacting to events with JavaScript is the foundation of a dynamic experiences on the web. Whether it’s a click event or another typical action, responding to that action is important. We started with assigning events to specific elements, then moved to event delegation for efficiency, but...

National Bank of Kazakhstan Publishes Whitepaper for Digital Tenge

The central bank of Kazakhstan has completed the second phase of testing for its digital currency and published a whitepaper. The studies carried out by the regulator on its introduction did not identify significant risks for the country’s financial stability and economy. Monetary Authority...

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