Hands-On: Phantom Liberty Is What Cyberpunk 2077 Wished It Could've Been
After spending an hour in Cyberpunk 2077’s one and only expansion Phantom Liberty, it feels like the spy thriller side story is the actualization of a narrative everyone hasbeen touting in the years since the game’s disastrous launch. Many, including Kotaku’s own Luke Plunkett, have argued that...
Cyberpunk 2077's First Big DLC Stars Idris Elba
This year’s Game Awards brought us gonks a brand new trailer for the upcoming, and only, DLC expected for CD Projekt Red’s adaptation of the classic Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game. The first trailer for Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion arrived three months ago with a giant dose...
All Of The Upcoming Video Game TV Shows Currently Announced
If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ve most likely noticed that there are a lot of video game TV shows in the works. In fact, it can sometimes feel like we can’t go more than a week or two without another story or report about some video game getting a show on Netflix or Amazon...
Idris Elba Is On The Gran Turismo 7 Soundtrack
Lending his vocals to the Gran Turismo 7 soundtrack, Idris Elba appears as a featured artist on The FaNaTiX’s song “Vroom”. The track features in the game’s new Music Rally mode, and appears early in the game. Though the song titles are displayed on-screen, it appeared during a race in...
March's PlayStation Plus Lineup Is Surprisingly Stacked
While many of you are no doubt champing at the bit for the release of this totally unknown game called Elden Ring that’s coming out this week, PlayStation Plus members who don’t feel the irresistible urge to hurl themselves into the unforgiving gauntlet of a new Soulsborne game have some new games...
Sonic The Hedgehog 2's First Trailer, And Knuckles, Debuts At The Game Awards
Tonight at The Game Awards Jim “Dr. Robotnik” Carrey and Ben “The Hedgehog” Schwartz took the stage to introduce the world premiere trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Somehow the First One Worked. Who’s ready for some hot Sonic and Tails action?Read more
Sonic The Hedgehog 2's First Trailer, And Knuckles, Debuts At The Game Awards
Tonight at The Game Awards Jim “Dr. Robotnik” Carrey and Ben “The Hedgehog” Schwartz took the stage to introduce the world premiere trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Somehow the First One Worked. Who’s ready for some hot Sonic and Tails action?Read more
Idris Elba Teases Knuckles Role In Sonic Movie Sequel
After a ton of speculation about Knuckles’ inclusion in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, we now apparently have confirmation that the red echidna will appear in the upcoming movie as well as who will be voicing him: Idris freakin’ Elba.Read more
Jemný úvod do jazyka Idris (2) - Některé výrazy jsou si rovnější
V minulém díle jsme si řekli, že v Idrisu jsou kromě „běžných“ typů také typy rovnostní, jejichž (generickou) definici si můžeme představit zhruba takto: /---pre data (=) : a → b → Type where Refl : x = x \--- Konstruktor je nanejvýš jeden, a to pouze v případě, že se oba argumenty shodují. To dává...
Jemný úvod do jazyka Idris (1) - Konstrukce a eliminace
Jak je v IT všeobecně známo, typové systémy žijí dvojím životem. Na jednu stranu se tváří jako množiny a operaci nad nimi jako běžné programy, ale na stranu druhou odpovídají typy logickým tvrzením a jejich prvky důkazům. Příslušná symbolická logika není ovšem logikou známou z matematiky....
Jemný úvod do jazyka Idris (1)
Jazyk Idris byl navržen pro ty, jimž Haskell připadá málo abstraktní. Snad vás tato věta neodradí, nepřestanete číst a dozvíte se něco nového a užitečného. Idris je jazyk funkcionální, což znamená, že je založen na λ-kalkulu, konkrétně typovaném λ-kalkulu (TλK). Ten má několik zajímavých...