
Nalezeno "jun": 32

First Look At Hideaki Anno's Kamen Rider

As Kotaku reported earlier this spring, Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno is writing and directing a new Kamen Rider feature film. It’s called Shin Kamen Rider, and the movie’s first teasers give us a good look at how Anno is bringing the character to life. Read more

Sonic’s 30th Anniversary Concert Kicked So Much Ass I Cried

Video game concerts make everything better. Today’s livestream video game concert of Sonic music was so damn great it had me crying in the middle of a Wednesday afternoon—as opposed to my regularly scheduled Thursday cry. Read more

Anatomy Of A Perfect Overwatch Earthshatter

Overwatch League season four kicked off this weekend, with new players, a couple of fantastic upsets and a perfect, game-winning Reinhardt Earthshatter by Houston Outlaws player Myung-heum “Jjanggu” Cho.Read more

Launchpool Plans to Launch an Egalitarian Model for All Stakeholders

Launchpool : noun – A group of crypto industry participants who pool together resources to launch projects. The concept behind the project is to bring investors together, aligning all for the benefit of everyone and the project. Each investor is put on the same footing and given the same...

While Compound’s Locked Value Grows, COMP Tanked 60% Since June Highs

Following a divergence between the price of the Compound platform’s COMP token and the total value locked (TVL) in the DeFi (decentralized finance) platform, early token investors are now being accused by some for dumping their tokens on the market. Popular crypto investor Andrew Kang wrote...

Unsuck It

Julia Carrie Wong and Matthew Cantor's How to speak Silicon Valley: 53 essential tech-bro terms explained was pretty hilarious. A little something in there to offend everyone. Speaking of kinda douchey words, I'm reminded of one of my favorite sites on the internet: Unsuck It. Not only does...

Jún na zámku Schloss Hof v znamení oddychu a dobrého jedla

Argentínske grilovanie a piknik v zámockých záhradách Ústredným motívom tohtoročnej sezóny na zámku Schloss Hof je výstava na tému „Čo svet JE?“. K tejto téme sa viažu aj sprievodné podujatia obohacujúce programovú ponuku. Ak zavítate do zámockého areálu 16. a 17. júna, ocitnete sa na letnom...

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