VPNs And geo-blocking in The Cryptocurrency World
Disclaimer: The following article is part of Cryptonews Deals Series and was written as a promotional article in collaboration with the sponsor of this offer. If your company has an exclusive promotion that you would like to share with our readers, we invite you to reach out to us. Let’s build...
El Salvador to Mine Bitcoin With Energy From Volcanoes: ‘100% Clean, 100% Renewable, 0 Emissions’
El Salvador has begun exploring bitcoin mining using energy from its volcanoes, President Nayib Bukele has revealed. “Our engineers just informed me that they dug a new well that will provide approximately 95MW of 100% clean, 0 emissions geothermal energy from our volcanos,”...
Sledujte start rakety Atlas 5 se satelitem SBIRS GEO 5
Na dnešní den je naplánována další zajímavá událost: start rakety Atlas V, která do vesmíru vynese v pořadí již pátý satelit systému SBIRS (Space-Based Infrared System).
Výše jmenovaný systém provozují United States Space Force (USSF). Z dostupných situací plyne, že jeho posláním je poskytovat
Analogue Pocket Shipments Pushed Back To October
Analogue just announced its Analogue Pocket handheld console will miss its original May 2021 shipment date and will slip to October instead.Read more
Building a Full-Stack Geo-Distributed Serverless App with Macrometa, GatsbyJS, & GitHub Pages
In this article, we walk through building out a full-stack real-time and completely serverless application that allows you to create polls! All of the app’s static bits (HTML, CSS, JS, & Media) will be hosted and globally distributed via the …
The post Building a Full-Stack...
24-Year-Old Neo Geo 64 Prototype Latest Game To Be Found In A Field
Someone has found a never-before-seen prototype of a Hyper Neo Geo 64 game, giving us our first look at development hardware used to create games for SNK’s failed mid-’90s arcade platform. This cool discovery was found sitting undisturbed in a field, under a collapsed tree.Read more
This NeoGeo Arcade Stick Controller Comes Pre-Installed With 20 SNK Fighting Games for $101
NeoGeo Arcade Stick Pro | $101 | AmazonRead more
Don’t Worry: There Are Enough Analogue Pockets For Everyone
Last August, many of us missed out on pre-ordering a Pocket, the beautiful all-in-one handheld console from Seattle-based hardware manufacturer Analogue. With a restock now confirmed for 2021, the company has promised to beef up its servers and crack down on resellers to help ensure folks are able...
Valve, Capcom & Bethesda Fined $9.5 Million For "Geo-Blocking" PC Games
The EU have fined Valve and five publishers a total of €7.8 million (USD$9.5 million) over their practice of “geo-blocking” PC game sales on Steam, which basically means forcing users in a country (say, Germany) to only pay the German price for a game, instead of letting them buy a cheaper version... Local Gathers Steam as Other P2P Markets Falter
The bitcoin marketplace Localbitcoins was once the most popular peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platform. But during the last few years, the company’s trading requirements and KYC implementation have caused an influx of traders to migrate to different P2P crypto markets. The mass departure...
Why a VPN Is the First Layer You Should Pull On When Browsing the Web
Virtual private networks (VPNs) can be useful for all kinds of things, from streaming foreign sports to protecting your identity from heightened online surveillance. For cryptocurrency users, VPNs are particularly precious, providing access to exchanges that are geo-restricted, and enabling crypto...
IRS Revoking Passports Shows How Government Erodes Everything We Hold Dear
If you have outstanding tax debt, the IRS may now want to take your passport. For U.S. crypto holders still waiting on promised IRS guidelines for filing — especially those overseas who may have missed these warning memos — the over 400,000 agency notifications issued since February...
Build a Low Latency, Globally Distributed Python App using Macrometa's Geo-Distributed Database Cloud.
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily build a distributed database backend that spans across North America (Los Angeles & Ashburn VA), Europe (Frankfurt) and Asia (M
Open-Source IP Geo-location API
Geo-location is the identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of an Internet-connected computer terminal or device.
Basically, we can get location data from their IP
Odhaluje tajemství zapomenutých hrobek, odpovídat bude v Rozstřelu
Koncem června jste mohli být při tom, když odborníci ze společnosti Jiřího Šindeláře pronikli speciální kamerou do dosud neznámé hrobky významného šlechtice Jana Jiřího ze Švamberka. Ve středu 25. 7. bude Jiří Šindelář hostem pořadu Rozstřel. Ptejte se a dívejte se naší články...
Poprvé po 400 letech. Jak nahlédnout do hrobky, kterou nesmíte otevřít
Archeologie už dávno není o krumpáči a lopatě. Aby nedošlo k poškození místa, využívají vědci nedestruktivní metody průzkumu. Georadary a speciální kamery v roce 2005 například pomohly odhalit původní královskou hrobku v chrámu svatého Víta. V úterý díky nim nahlédneme do hrobky nejbohatšího...
Vědci vtipně vyřešili záhadu účesu Svaté Zdislavy. Podívejte se jak
Jako forenzní kriminalisté postupovali odborníci smíšeného Česko-brazilského týmu při vizualizaci zapomenuté podoby svaté Zdislavy z Lemberka. Stovky let ležely její ostatky v zemi a z lebky mnoho nezbylo. Přesto nyní poprvé, po 766 letech od její smrti, známe její přesnou podobu. Ve čtvrtek...
[aktualita] Europoslanci odhlasovali "konec geo-blockingu", hudby, videa či her se ale netýká
Je to malý pozitivní krok, ale neřeší to nejpodstatnější. Tak se dá shrnout výsledek dnešního hlasování Evropského parlamentu o konci tzv. neopodstatněného geo-blockingu. Jde o praxi, kdy evropský zákazník vůbec nemůže například nakupovat v e-shopu v jiné zemi EU nebo mu obchodník klade nějaké...