Vymeťte herní smetí, jeden launcher stačí. Tipy na software, který dostane všechny hry do jedné knihovny
Pro spouštění a správu her nemusí běžet Steam, Epic, GOG a další launchery dohromady. Existují totiž aplikace, které umí knihovny z těchto platforem sloučit do jediné
Harmony Launcher and Asva Labs’ MetaLaunch Form a Strategic Alliance
Harmony Launcher recently announced forming a strategic alliance with Asva Labs’ MetaLaunch. The collaboration will see Harmony Launcher working towards its initiative of releasing a network of equity and decentralization-centric launchpads. Known as the first multichain metaverse accelerator...
Harmony Launcher Partners with Lossless for Security Solutions
Harmony Launcher recently announced that it is partnering with Lossless. Lossless, the world’s first DeFi hack mitigation tool for token creators, will add value to the Harmony ecosystem by strengthening it through this partnership. Harmony Launcher’s vision has always been to enhance...
Bethesda ukončí svůj Launcher, hráče přesune na Steam
Trh s PC hrami bude o trochu méně roztříštěný
Herní klient od Bethesdy byl od začátku k ničemu, letos skončí
Podivný pokus společnosti Bethesda o vlastního herního klienta zhruba po pěti letech provozu končí. Všechny hry, které hráči nasbírali přes launcher se hráčům přidají do jejich steamových knihoven
Bethesda Ditching Its Stupid Launcher, Returning To Steam
Easily one of the worst trends to hit PC gaming in the last decade has been the obsession major publishers have had with creating their own launchers and digital marketplaces, moves which have done little for the user but make botting up a game fiddlier and more tedious.Read more
Destiny 2 Is Getting New Guns That Are Bonkers, Like The Exploding Worms Grenade Launcher
Hot off the shocking news of its acquisition by Sony, Bungie revealed what new Exotic gear players will soon be getting their hands on in Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, when launches later this month. TL;DR: the new guns and armor look like some of the loot shooter’s coolest yet.Read more
Battlefield 2042 Sniper Rifle Blows Up Tanks Faster Than Rockets
Behold the Recoilless M5 rocket launcher. Want to feel cool blowing stuff up? Knock your socks off. Want to actually take down a tank as efficiently as possible? Battlefield 2042’s NWT-50 sniper rifle will do the job more quickly.Read more
GTA Trilogy Pulled For PC, Rockstar Launcher Broken
Something has gone very, very wrong since yesterday’s launch of GTA Trilogy on PC. As of last night, all mention of a PC version has been removed from Rockstar’s own site, and the Rockstar Games Launcher app has gone completely offline. Anyone who bought it before it vanished is currently unable...
Zpackaný start GTA Trilogy: Rockstar stáhl PC verzi z prodeje
Nejenže se na Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy valí kritika za všech stran, PC hráči navíc ani nemohou hrát. Smůlu mají i ti, kteří se snaží spustit další hry přes Rockstar Games Launcher
Pokémon Gets Me Through It
In the Pokémon universe, it’s customary for small children to receive a beast capable of leveling cities before leaving the comforts of home to embark on an arduous journey across varying regions. During their travels, they stop organized crime rings, topple champions with years of experience,...
Ratchet & Clank Weapons, Ranked
This weekend, I played through the “re-imagined” 2016 Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation 4 (free via PlayStation Plus this month). And I started feeling that familiar itch, the itch to compile an underexplained list. As such, here’s how I rank the weapons in its arsenal based on various...
Destiny 2 Players Can't Believe How Unlucky They've Been Chasing Its Best New Rocket Launcher
Eyes of Tomorrow is one of Destiny 2's best rocket launchers. It’s also one of its rarest, and some players who have spent months trying to get their hands on one have still come up short. They’re especially shocked now that one of Bungie’s developers has confirmed it’s supposed to be easier...
Microsoft bojuje o své místo na Androidu: vydává přepracovaný Launcher 6.0 se spoustou novinek
Microsoftu zjevně nestačí jeho dominance na poli desktopových operačních systémů a snaží se uplatnit i v segmentu chytrých telefonů. Jedním z jeho počinů pro Android je Microsoft Launcher – aplikace pro správu domovských obrazovek a nainstalovaných programů.
Nová verze 6.0, kterou Microsoft
Microsoftu se invaze na Android daří, jeho launcher aktivně používá přes milion lidí
V říjnu Microsoft představil společně s mobilní verzí svého prohlížeče Edge i aktualizovanou verzi launcheru, tedy domovské obrazovky, která může na Androidu nahradit tu od výrobce. Nyní se jeden z designérů na Twitteru pochlubil, že jej aktivně používá přes milion uživatelů, celkový počet stažení
Microsoft definitivně zabil mobilní Windows, přestavil Edge pro iOS a Android a vlastní launcher
Prohlížeč Edge nově spustíte na Androidu a iOS • Pro Android Microsoft představil i vlastní launcher ve fluent designu • Systém Windows 10 Mobile tak už zcela ztratil smysl