The Prolonged case between David Kleiman and Craig Wright Seems to Lean in Favor of Kleiman
The case between David Kleiman and Craig Wright started in February last year. In this case, Wright was accused of stealing a huge number of Bitcoins, which is worth 5 billion U.S. Dollars approximately. Kleiman died in April 2013. It seems that David Kleiman may have the upper hand in...
Piecing Together Approaches for a CSS Masonry Layout
Masonry layout, on the web, is when items of an uneven size are laid out such that there aren't uneven gaps. I would guess the term was coined (or at least popularized) for the web by David DeSandro because of his popular Masonry JavaScript library, which has been around since 2010.
Poslední sobota #100 celodenní konference
24. listopadu se v pražské Paralelní Polis opět uskuteční sraz webových vývojářů Poslední sobota alias PoSobota. Ku příležitosti 100. jsme se rozhodli ji uchopit trošku jinak. Větší. Okruh témat je různorodý, ale blízký webovému…