
Nalezeno "mining farms": 96

Kazakhstan President Signs Law Increasing Tax Burden for Crypto Miners

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has signed into law a bill amending the country’s Tax Code to impose higher tax rates on crypto miners. The levy will depend on the amount and average price of electricity utilized in the extraction of digital currencies like bitcoin....

Uzbekistan Presents Registration Requirements for Cryptocurrency Miners

Authorities in Uzbekistan have drafted and put forward for public consultations a set of rules for crypto miners operating in the country. Companies that want to mint digital currencies will have to register with the government and use renewable energy. Uzbekistan Discusses Draft Regulations...

Iran to Shut Down Crypto Mining Farms Amid Record High Power Demand

Authorities in Iran plan to unplug licensed crypto mining facilities as electricity consumption in the country is reaching record highs. The mining farms will be cut off from the grid on Wednesday, the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Energy announced. Legal Crypto Miners in Iran to Halt...

Number of Busted Illegal Crypto Mining Farms in Iran Nears 7,000

Authorities in Iran have shut down close to 7,000 unauthorized facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past two years, local media revealed. According to a report, most of the illegal bitcoin farms were concentrated in five provinces of the Islamic Republic, including Tehran. Iran Continues...

Kazakhstan Auditors Go After Crypto Miners Accused of Exploiting Tax Benefits

Authorities in Kazakhstan have found several businesses minting digital currencies that took advantage of tax cuts they were allegedly not supposed to benefit from. Auditors said the crypto firms registered as “innovative companies,” to receive millions of dollars in tax preferences....

Kazakhstan Shuts Down Over 100 Crypto Mining Farms

More than 100 crypto farms in Kazakhstan have terminated operations as a result of ongoing inspections of the mining sector. Authorities have revealed that some of the facilities are linked to prominent businessmen and former government officials. Financial Watchdog Goes After Crypto Miners Across...

Kazakhstan Cracks Down on Illegal Mining, Busts 13 Crypto Farms

Authorities in Kazakhstan have gone after illegal crypto mining operations amid ongoing issues with electricity supply. Working together with law enforcement, the country’s energy ministry announced the closure of over a dozen facilities minting digital currencies. Government Shuts Down...

Kazakhstan Shuts Down Crypto Mining Farms Till February

Data centers minting cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan were cut off from the nation’s power grid this week and will remain unplugged for the rest of January. The measure comes as the country faces electricity shortages blamed on crypto mining and blackouts in the cold winter months. Crypto...

Decommissioned Power Plant in Armenia to Host Crypto Mining Farms

Armenia is going to invite cryptocurrency miners to install their coin minting hardware in an old thermal power plant. The TPP will be decommissioned and the government intends to rent it out to industrial companies including mining enterprises. Miners Welcome to Set Up Data Centers at Old TPP...

Iran Orders Crypto Miners to Halt Operations to Prevent Winter Blackouts

Authorities in Iran have again told licensed miners to suspend their activities in the face of electricity shortages during the cold winter months. Following a period of similar restrictions this past summer, authorized companies were allowed to resume mining in September. Crypto Mining Farms...

Demand for Mining Hardware Spikes in Russia, Prices Rise

The market for crypto mining equipment in Russia has seen strong interest from buyers of both new and used devices, retail data indicates. This year, demand for application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) machines has multiplied exponentially while video cards have been in short supply leading...

Russia, Ukraine Shut Down Several Cryptocurrency Farms

Authorities in Russia and Ukraine have closed down a number of illegal crypto mining facilities allegedly powered by stolen electricity. The underground farms have been discovered around the capital cities, Kyiv and Moscow, as well as in the Russian republic of Dagestan. Russia Busts Illegal Mining...

Single Mining Farm Needs as Much Power as 24,000 Homes, Kazakhstan Estimates

Authorities in Kazakhstan have calculated the energy used in the country’s crypto mining industry which competes for electricity with other sectors of the economy and households. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from mining farms...

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