First Mover: Pie Anyone? DeFi Pushes ETF-Style Investing Toward Decentralization
PieDAO's push to decentralize itself shows the fast-growing DeFi industry's efforts to retrofit investment vehicles for digital-asset markets
First Mover: Bloomberg’s Pie-in-the-Sky Bitcoin Call Looks Directionally Defensible
The $20,000 in 2020 prediction may be overly optimistic, but analysts agree bitcoin is likely heading north
The CoinDesk 50: Binance Eyes the Whole Pie
Binance, #1 on the new CoinDesk 50 list, continues to move aggressively after the biggest opportunities in crypto
How to Make a Line Chart With CSS
Line,  bar, and pie charts are the bread and butter of dashboards and are the basic components of any data visualization toolkit. Sure, you can use SVG or a JavaScript chart library like Chart.js or a complex tool like D3 to create those charts, but what if you don't want to load yet another...
Android pro počítače a notebooky dospěl ve verzi 9.0 Pie do finální verze. Můžete ho zkusit
Otevřená povaha Androidu dovoluje vývojářům přizpůsobit mobilní operační systém různým potřebám. Autoři projektu Android-x86 si dali za úkol vytvořit variantu, která bude fungovat na počítačích s desktopovými procesory x86.
Ačkoli mobilní telefony již dostávají aktualizace na Android 10, v
Bitfinex Comes for Their Share in the IEO Pie
Major cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex and its sister company Ethfinex are launching their Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) platform, Tokinex.
According to both companies, the first token sale on Tokinex will be announced on May 23 and will take place on June 13.
“What it means to be an exchange...
Bitcoin History Part 13: The First Mining Pool
The notion that anyone could solo mine bitcoin – on a CPU no less – seems positively quaint today. But in 2010, this method wasn’t just possible – it was the norm. With an exponentially lower hashrate, less competition and a 50 bitcoin block reward, there was enough pie...