Fiat Money Printer 'Goes BRRR,' Is It a Time To Sell All Cash For Bitcoin?
Source: iStock/D-Keine
The Cryptoverse has been seeing calls from some industry players to sell cash for cryptocurrency, claiming that cash is about to become worthless, as the fiat money "printer went brrrrr." However, others warn that, while using bitcoin (BTC) as a hedge is a good...
QE Infinity: 37 Central Banks Participate in Stimulus and Easing Practices
Since the last week of October, a great number of central banks have been slashing interest rates, joining the massive synchronization of monetary easing worldwide. This year more than two dozen banks have used easing tactics and in the last two weeks alone central banks from Costa Rica, Hong Kong...
Weaponizing Blockchain — Vast Potential, but Projects Are Kept Secret
If the U.S. Marine Corps is going to put 3D printers in the field so Marines can manufacture spare parts on-site for F-35s, say, then they need to protect these workstations from hackers