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The Power of :has() in CSS

Hey all you wonderful developers out there! In this post we are going to explore the use of :has() in your next web project. :has() is relatively newish but has gained popularity in the front end community by delivering control … The Power of :has() in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks...

Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes

Hey all you wonderful developers out there! In this post, I am going to take you through creating a simple contact form using semantic HTML and an awesome CSS pseudo class known as :focus-within. The :focus-within class allows for … Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes originally published...

Operation Galuga’s Director On Capturing That Classic Contra Feeling

If you asked me what I think the best game of the ‘80s is, I’d have a hard time answering. There are just so many hugely important and amazing games of that era, from Ultima IV to Out Run to Super Mario Bros. 3. If, however, you asked me what the most ‘80s game is, I’d answer you right away:...

Placená stáž: School of Code 2024

Naučte se programovat na reálných projektech. Pipedrive poprvé otevře placenou stáž School of Code v Praze Pipedrive, jenž vyvíjí efektivní CRM pro malé firmy, oznámil spuštění svého programu Pipedrive School of Code a…

Joe Rogan Has HODL’d Over 5 Bitcoin For Almost A Decade

Famous podcaster Joe Rogan has held onto his Bitcoin (BTC) stash without selling any, as revealed by on-chain data dating back nearly a decade. Back in 2014, the mixed martial arts (MMA) commentator shared a QR code version of his public Bitcoin address over social media. Revisiting that same...

Fixing Cumulative Layout Shift Problems on DavidWalshBlog

Over 50 thousand developers visit DavidWalshBlog every month from around the world to learn JavaScript tricks and fix problems in their code. Unfortunately, some of them have a slow experience on the site. David tracks the performance of his Core Web Vitals and overall performance with Request...

FTX to Face Independent Investigation, Federal Appeals Court Rules

An independent bankruptcy examiner must complete an investigation into the collapse of FTX, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. In violation of U.S. bankruptcy code The ruling, delivered by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, argues that to not appoint an independent examiner...

Study Shows Number of Crypto Developers Up by 52% Since 2018

Over the past five years, the number of established developers with more than 2 years experience of working in crypto grew at an annualized rate of 52%. According to the findings of a study, established developers (2+ years) together with emerging developers make an average of three times more code...

Michael Saylor Alerts Bitcoin Community Amid Rising Tide of Deepfake Scams

Source: Pixabay MicroStrategy founder and tech titan Michael Saylor has issued a warning about the influx of AI-generated deepfake scams in the Bitcoin community. The alarm follows several reports last week flagging fake AI-generated videos of Saylor reportedly promising to “double...

Russia Will Begin Collecting Taxes in Digital Rubles from 2025

Source: Valery/Adobe Russian tax authorities will start collecting taxes in digital rubles from 2025, with banks also handed powers to block “suspicious-looking” CBDC transactions. Per the media outlet Klerk, recent tax code amendments – signed into law by President Vladimir Putin late last year...

Putin Green-lights Russian Digital Ruble Tax Law

Source: chase4concept/Adobe Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed off on a law that will see the digital ruble incorporated into the nation’s tax code. Per Telesputnik, the new law sees terms like “digital ruble” and “digital ruble wallet” added to the code. The law also allows bailiffs...

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