
Nalezeno "slack": 45

Slack má nového majitele. Za 27,7 miliardy dolarů ho koupil Salesforce

Americký poskytovatel cloudových služeb Salesforce koupil komunikační platformu Slack. Transakce vyšla na 27,7 miliardy dolarů, což odpovídá 600 miliardám korun. Pro Salesforce dává akvizice velký smysl, nově bude moci nabízet ucelený balík cloudových služeb včetně komunikátoru, který je přitom

[aktualita] Salesforce kupuje Slack, cena se má vyšplhat na 27,7 miliard dolarů

Po týdnech spekulací je potvrzeno: softwarový obr Salesforce oznámil, že uzavřel dohodu o koupi komunikační platformy Slack. Cena se má vyšplhat na 27,7 miliard dolarů (v přepočtu podle současného kurzu přes 600 miliard Kč). Většinu ceny (26,79 miliardy USD) má firma akcionářům Slacku vyplatit...

Create an FAQ Slack app with Netlify functions and FaunaDB

Sometimes, when you’re looking for a quick answer, it’s really useful to have an FAQ system in place, rather than waiting for someone to respond to a question. Wouldn’t it be great if Slack could just answer these FAQs for us? In this tutorial, we’re going to be making just that: a slash command...

Slack podal v EU stížnost na Microsoft. Vadí mu údajné antimonopolní jednání

Microsoft byl poslední roky jedinou velkou technologickou firmou, která nečelila žádnému vyšetřování kvůli možnému antimonopolnímu jednání. Tento týden se to změnilo. Firma stojící za platformou nástrojů pro týmovou spolupráci Slack podala ve středu stížnost k Evropské komisi, ve které upozorňuje,

The Best Design System Tool is Slack

There’s a series questions I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. The questions have to do with how design systems work: Where should we document things? Do we make a separate app? Do we use a third-party tool to document our components? How should that tie into Figma or Sketch?...

Create a Responsive CSS Motion Path? Sure We Can!

There was a discussion recently on the Animation at Work Slack: how could you make a CSS motion path responsive? What techniques would be work? This got me thinking. A CSS motion path allows us to animate elements along custom user-defined paths. Those paths follow the same structure as SVG paths....

An Introduction to MDXJS

Markdown has traditionally been a favorite format for programmers to write documentation. It’s simple enough for almost everyone to learn and adapt to while making it easy to format and style content. It was so popular that commands from Markdown have been used in chat applications like Slack...

Teamstack: Easy Automation of Identity Management (Sponsored)

Access management can be a bit of a nightmare, especially when we realize that we rely on a number of different, independent services that power our organizations. Many businesses use Gmail for email, Google Docs for documents, Slack for communication, GitHub for their codebase, etc. Yet each...

Microbrowsers are Everywhere

The word "microbrowser" clearly got my attention. Never heard that before. Colin Bendell defines them as the little parts of other software that do HTTP requests to a URL to generate a preview. Like the little URL preview in iOS messages, WhatsApp, or Slack. I'm a tiny bit skeptical of the name...

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