Splatoon 3 chystá na listopad Splatfest s tematikou Pokémonů
Splatoon 3's Katana Turns My Squid Into A Ninja, And It Rules
Splatoon 3 is filled with an assortment of colorful weaponry. From guns that look like pencil sharpeners to paint buckets in the shape of bathtubs, Nintendo’s ink ‘em up has no shortage of personality, especially when it comes to your choice of paint-splattering equipment. But despite all...
Fortnite's New Season Appears To Ape Splatoon Now
Fortnite, it’s fair to say, is a game built on other people’s ideas. At the height of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’ success, in swooped Epic with its pristine, beautifully animated reinterpretation of the battle royale format. Since then, everything from Team Fortress 2's medical bazooka...
The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far
If you’ve spent any amount of time sauntering around Splatoon 3’s new hub world of Splatsville, then you’ve undoubtedly seen some of the drippiest fashion known in this city of inky chaos. No joke, the fits are so clean—and so bizarre—that I couldn’t help but chronicle the best of the best. From...
Splatoon 3's Terrible Online Is Inexcusable At This Point
Be gentle with me, I’ve been in purgatory. By which I mean, I’ve been playing a lot of Splatoon 3 multiplayer lately, and having unlocked level 10, the ink shooter finally let me glide my way into its quirky ranked modes. Anarchy Battles, as these competitive modes are called, are a good time—if...
GameStop Rewards Employees For Sticking Around With 50-Cent Raise
Last month, GameStop announced new stock bonuses for store managers and hourly raises for other employees. It seemed like some relief was finally coming for the staff, who have been through so much these last few years, all while watching investors profit off unprecedented meme stock hijinks. Over...
Splatoon 3's Most-Hated Gun Needs To Go, Players Say
With Splatoon 3 finally out on Nintendo Switch, folks have no doubt tried their hands at a variety of the game’s eclectic weapons. There are plenty to check out, from the classic rapid-firing Splattershot Jr. to newer weapons like the quick-slashing Splatana (which has quickly become a fave...
Everyone Cares About Splatoon 3 More Than You Think
Splatoon 3 hasn’t just climbed to the top of the charts, it’s absolutely demolishing them, at least in Japan. Nintendo announced the latest sequel in its party shooter series has already sold over 3 million copies in just three days there, making Splatoon 3's launch bigger than The Legend...
Splatoon 3 zlomil v Japonsku rekord. Za tři dny prodal miliony
Že se z barevné multiplayerová akce Splatoon 3, která se začala prodávat v pátek, vyklube hit, se čekalo. Úvodní prodeje v Japonsku přesto předčily očekávání
The Splatoon 3 Plaza Is Filling Up With Queen Elizabeth Posts Because Of Course It Is
The passing of Britain’s long-reigning monarch has made the internet a curious place over the last 24 hours, as every brand on earth Says Something, and the rest of the world goes between mourning an important historical figure, metaphorically spitting on a colonialist grave, or shitposting...
Switchová exkluzivita Splatoon 3 je v prodeji
Splatoon 3 Review Round-Up: Nice New Polish, Same Old Gameplay
Splatoon 3 reviews are popping up now that the embargo has lifted. A cursory glance at the biggest gaming publications suggests that while Nintendo’s ink-painting shooter has some of the polish the last entry needed, it still fails to innovate on a larger scale. Specifically, according to critics...
RECENZE: Splatoon 3 je zase to samé, jen ještě o kus lepší
Primárně multiplayerová akce Splatoon 3 sází na ty samé ingredience jako minule. K tomu ovšem přidává kupu dalšího obsahu a rozšířené možnosti přizpůsobení
The Week In Games: Enter The Splatlands
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Nintendo Suffers Another Colossal Game Leak
As appears to be ever-more frequently the case, Nintendo has seen another of its first-party games leaked all over the internet almost a week before release. This time it’s Splatoon 3, the much-hyped threequal to the company’s pet project, which is already in some players’ hands ahead of...
Jaké hry vyjdou v září 2022: FIFA 23, The Last of Us Part I, Splatoon 3 a další
Podzimní sezóna se nám pomalu rozjíždí a s tím nabírá na intenzitě vydávání velkých i malých titulů
Nintendo Bans Splatoon 3 Cheaters Before The Game's Even Out
Splatoon 3 fans were treated to a nice surprise this past weekend when Nintendo staged a special Splatfest event before the game’s official release. This gave folks a chance to download and play a demo of the colorful shooter ahead of its September 9 release date. However, players bold enough...
Nintendo na čtvrtek chystá Treehouse: Live presentation
Splatoon 2 Players Will Have A Leg Up In Splatoon 3 Thanks To Save Data Transfer Rewards
Some players have poured hundreds of hours into Splatoon 2. Thankfully, Nintendo recently revealed that all of that hard work won’t be wasted when fans boot up Splatoon 3. Instead, they’ll be able to transfer their save data and reap big rewards in the process.Read more
Chcete vyzkoušet akci Splatoon 3 ještě před vydáním? Připravte si demo
Splatoon 3 je zejména multiplayerová akce, které se obejde bez krve. V bitvách sice potřebujete přesnou mušku, hlavní je ovšem přebarvovat herní plochu. Jednu z novinek trojky bude možné vyzkoušet koncem srpna, tedy ještě před vydáním hry