Silvergate CEO calls out 'short sellers' spreading misinformation
In the statement, Lane also took the opportunity to "set the record straight” about its investment relationship with FTX and the firm's “robust risk management approach.”
NFT Viking Game Goes Bust Amid Crypto Collapse, Mismanagement Allegations
First announced in September 2021, at the height of the world’s collective NFT madness, Northern Guilds was supposed to be “a fun-first, device-agnostic dungeon crawler blockchain MMORPG inspired by your favorite childhood games”. It may shock you, reader, to find out that Northern Guilds has ended...
Colin Cantwell, Designer Of The X-Wing, Has Died
While the great Ralph McQuarrie is rightly remembered as the primary visionary behind the look of the Star Wars universe, he wasn’t the only artist playing a major role in the creation of the original trilogy. There was also Colin Cantwell.Read more
All Of The Upcoming Video Game TV Shows Currently Announced
If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ve most likely noticed that there are a lot of video game TV shows in the works. In fact, it can sometimes feel like we can’t go more than a week or two without another story or report about some video game getting a show on Netflix or Amazon...
Billy Mitchell’s Old Website Now Debunks His Controversial Pac-Man High Scores
If nothing else, you’ve gotta respect the bit. Billy Mitchell, the so-called “video game player of the century,” appears to have let ownership over his old website,, lapse some years ago. Now someone else has commandeered the domain, and is using it to publish a multipart...
Gas Station Simulator Is One Of Steam's Biggest Games Right Now, With Good Reason
When I first booted up Gas Station Simulator, a game that’s spent the last week tearing up the Steam charts, my first thought was “Christ, this place is a dump!” At the start of the game, you inherit a derelict gas station from your uncle, who I’m pretty sure is gang affiliated. Your goal...
Godzilla vs. Kong Can't Be Saved, Not Even by Good, Dumb Fun
Monster movies often ride or die by their over-the-top action. One can be willing to forgive failures elsewhere—many of them, even—as long as the bits where the monsters punch the bejesus out of each other are satisfying. But Godzilla vs Kong has a problem: its titanic action heights just come...
[článek] Walter Pavliš (Cogniware): Poznat deep fake video je snadné, nejhorší je analýza polopravd
[16 minut čtení] Obchodní ředitel firmy Cogniware Walter Pavliš vysvětluje, jak nový modul systému Insights detekuje dezinformace. Česká firma Cogniware od roku 2014 vyvíjí specializovaný software Insights pro bezpečnostní složky států, který pomáhá při vyšetřování kriminální činnosti. Na konci...
Ostřílení tankoví důstojníci v bitvě u Kurska (2): Polní maršál Walter Model
Ostřílení tankoví důstojníci v bitvě u Kurska (2): Polní maršál Walter Model
Ostřílení tankoví důstojníci v bitvě u Kurska: Walter Model (2)
Ostřílení tankoví důstojníci v bitvě u Kurska: Walter Model (2)
Osobní dvanáctiválce jsou zlaté hřeby tuzemského automobilového průmyslu
Za celou svou dlouhou historii přinesl československý automobilový průmysl dva typy osobních vozů s dvanáctiválcovými motory. Stalo se tak počátkem třicátých let a těmi vozy byly Tatra 80 a Walter Royal.Další články k tématu:Nejslavnější české auto. Rychlá tatra vozila celebrity i zlé estébákyVznik...