Wendy McElroy: The Narrative and Philosophy of Cryptocurrency
“The central banks of Britain, Japan, the euro zone, Sweden and Switzerland have grouped up to assess potential use cases for digital currencies. Talk of such currencies gained momentum after Facebook announced plans last year to introduce a cryptocurrency called libra,” – CNBC....
Crypto Confronts Social Justice Warriors
“Many men are lamenting the “man-hating” rhetoric that they have imagined stemming from SJWs. It just so happens that many of these men are also heavily involved in cryptocurrencies due to the notion that Bitcoin can restore their libertarian ideals.”– Ross Chalmers...
Wendy Freedmanová: Nový dalekohled může odhalit počátky vesmíru
Kdy a jak vesmír vznikl? Mezinárodní skupina astronomů hledá odpověď na tuto otázku v tak daleké minulosti, jak jim nový dalekohled dovolí. Wendy Freedmanová stojí v čele projektu, jehož cílem konstrukce Obřího Magellanova dalekohledu (Giant Magellan Telescope, GMT) v jižní Americe. Na konferenci...