
Nalezeno "AI Policy": 6500

Utah Senator Seeks to Abolish Federal Reserve

Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah has introduced legislation to abolish the U.S. central bank and its Board of Governors. Lee contends that the U.S. Federal Reserve has “repeatedly failed” the American public and argues for its dissolution. Federal Reserve Targeted for Abolition by Senator Mike...

Organizace ICANN uspořádá Policy Forum příští léto v Praze

Praha bude příští rok v červnu hostit ICANN Policy Forum. Oznámilo to vedení organizace ICANN odpovědné za přidělování a správu domén nejvyšší úrovně a IP adres. Policy Forum se uskuteční 9. – 12. června 2025 a bude ji mít na starosti sdružení CZ.NIC. Jedna z vrcholných akcí ICANN se do Prahy vrací...

Experts Say Dollar Dominance Debate Misses the Point, US Needs Economic Focus

Two experts have explained that the global debate on the future of dollar dominance misses the point because it doesn’t focus on how the dollar’s future will evolve. They warned: “If the U.S. doesn’t keep its house in better order, dollar dominance will be the least of our worries.”...

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