GTA GeoGuesser Is For Folks Who Don't Know Much About The Real World, But Have GTA Online Memorized
Grand Theft Auto Online is an old game, being released all the way back on Xbox 360 and PS3 in the year 2013. Since then, many people (myself included) have continued to play GTA Online and after nearly a decade of hanging out in the same virtual world, I and others have mostly memorized the map....
In GTA Online, Being Rich and Owning Everything Is A Pain In The Ass
Heads up: I’m about to sound like a rich, privileged asshole. In real life, I write about video games for a living, so I’m lucky to have an apartment. But in Grand Theft Auto Online, I’m a rich prick who owns a piece of every criminal enterprise in Los Santos. So yes, I’m here to complain about...
GTA Online's Latest Update Adds A Hard-To-Kill Terminator Knock-Off
Los Santos Tuners, the latest Grand Theft Auto Online update, was released earlier this week and it added a bunch of new cars and races into the game. But the update isn’t just about cool cars, fast races and car meets. The new update also added some fun Easter eggs, including a very strong NPC...
GTA Online's New Update Is Like Fast And Furious On Steroids
Today, Rockstar released the latest big update for Grand Theft Auto Online. Los Santos Tuners is all about sweet cars, fast races, dangerous crime, all while hanging out with like-minded automotive gearheads. And unlike past GTA Online updates, Tuners not only adds things that the community...
Rockstar Locking Some GTA Online Car Upgrades To PS5, Xbox Series X/S
Grand Theft Auto Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S is set to include vehicle upgrades that won’t be available on older consoles, according to new details from Rockstar Games.Read more
Take-Two Is Removing Old GTA Mods Using DMCA Notices
Rockstar Games’ parent company, Take-Two Interactive, has spent the past week or so using DMCA takedown requests to remove old Grand Theft Auto mods. The publisher hasn’t explained why it has started this sudden removal of old mods.Read more
Kyberpunkové GTA 2 Glitchpunk zná datum vydání
Nové GTA bude nejdřív za čtyři roky. Zestárneme, utahují si fanoušci
Ačkoli se okolo nového dílu Grand Theft Auto stále nic moc nového neděje, je z něj opět velký trend. A to proto, že podle posledních informací má vyjít až v roce 2025, čehož se hned chytili internetoví vtipálci
GTA 6 Keeps Trending Despite Zero New Info
A new day, a new Grand Theft Auto 6 rumor. Sometimes they’re cribbed from 4chan. Sometimes they’re a couple of random tweets from mysterious figures aggregated on websites with names so inscrutable you’re sure they must be run by bots.Read more
V prosinci skončí online podpora GTA V na konzolích PS3 a X360
GTA Online Player Tries Performing Hamlet, Dies
It is not uncommon for people to put on performances in Grand Theft Auto Online. These days, there are entire role play servers with special modifications that allow players to better strut and fret their hour upon the stage, and they’re hugely popular. But players don’t usually do much acting...
Take Two hráče zklamalo, místo GTA VI poučovalo o toleranci a diverzitě
Herní vydavatelství Take Two nevyužilo svůj prostor na výstavě E3 k předvedení chystaných novinek, ale uspořádalo improvizovanou debatu o diverzitě, rovnosti a inkluzi ve videoherním průmyslu. U hráčů se s pochopením nesetkalo
Free Guy: Ryan Reynolds pobaví v nové sci-fi komedii jako počítačová postava v GTA
Grand Theft Auto 6 to Feature a Fictional Cryptocurrency
One of the biggest franchises in the videogame industry, Grand Theft Auto, will feature in-game payments of “bitcoin” or another fictional cryptocurrency. Contractors will pay the player with this currency when they need to make anonymous, untraceable payments. This would constitute...
Intel si vzal do parády hru GTA V a pomocí A.I. ji proměnil téměř v realitu
Legendární herní série Grand Theft Auto už před lety zaujala i výzkumníky z oblasti A.I. Díky své relativní fotorealističnosti totiž posloužila jako simulátor, ve kterém se naučil řídi kdejaký autopilot.
Nedávno se k ní vrátili i v Intelu, byť totiž byla na svoji dobu skutečně
V listopadu vyjde Grand Theft Auto V už na třetí generaci konzolí
Famózní městská akce Grand Theft Auto V se ještě do konce roku dočká výrazného grafického vylepšení optimalizovaného pro nové konzole. Majitelé PS5 dostanou zdarma samostatnou online část
S čím pomáhá konvoluční síť? Vědci ukázali novou úroveň fotorealismu na hře GTA V
Tým výzkumníků z Intel Labs představil nový přístup, který dokáže výrazně vylepšit vzhled syntetických obrázků. Stephan Richter, Hassan…
The post S čím pomáhá konvoluční síť? Vědci ukázali novou úroveň fotorealismu na hře GTA V appeared first on
GTA V Arrives On Xbox Series S/X And PlayStation 5 On November 11
Today, Rockstar announced Grand Theft Auto V, a game with almost as many releases as Skyrim, will be arriving on current gen systems November 11.Read more
Lone Developer Stands Up To Grand Theft Auto DMCA Claim, Wins
Earlier this year fans reversed engineered the source code to Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They released it to the web, but Grand Theft Auto copyright holder Take-Two pulled it offline via a DMCA claim. But now one fan’s stood up to the publisher and succeeded in getting...
Rockstar Games Disappeared From Steam, Then Came Back, Even Ones You Couldn't Buy Anymore
Earlier today all of Rockstar’s games temporarily disappeared from Steam, then quickly came back, likely down to a listing error. That’s fine, whatever, but when the games came back, some of them hadn’t been there in the first place.Read more