
Nalezeno "Proof of Work": 422

Ethereum Community Enthralled Over Controversial ProgPoW Proposal

The Ethereum community has been debating a proposal called ProgPoW as many ETH proponents believe the Programmatic Proof-of-Work function will alter the network significantly. The contentious topic has seemed to galvanize the community, with the ProgPoW proposal favored by a significant proportion...

These Myth-Busting Articles Dispel Common Bitcoin Myths

Recently, a few Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponents have been writing a series of myth-busting articles that describe Bitcoin technicals generally thought to be true but which are not. The articles posted on the blog have reviewed topics like 10-minute confirmation times, SPV wallets,...

Photonics Bitcoin Mining Tech Aims to ‘Democratize’ Energy Use

Three researchers have published a paper at Cornell University’s proposing a system called Optical Proof of Work (OPOW) to potentially be employed in Bitcoin mining. According to the paper, “heavy reliance on electricity has created scalability issues, environmental concerns...

A History of Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

The consensus mechanism is a critical blockchain component, providing a non-partisan means of establishing agreement as to the network’s current state. But ever since Bitcoin emerged in 2008, its original consensus mechanism – Proof of Work (PoW) – has been emulated and iterated...

‘Proof-of-Stake is a Joke’: Samson Mow Backstage at The Capital

Blockstream’s Samson Mow was fairly quiet during the panel “Proof-of-Work, Halving and the Future of Mining” on day two of CoinMarketCap’s The Capital conference. But he sat down with The Capital backstage afterward and shared some of his thoughts more […] The post ‘Proof-of-Stake is a Joke’:...

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