10 React Challenges (Beginner): Show an Alert Based on an Input
Events make the core of interactivity in JavaScript, from listening to form inputs, scroll events to button clicks. The knowledge of handling events in JavaScript is essential.
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Use React State to Update the DOM
A common theme in modern front-end JavaScript libraries/frameworks is that they can help you manage the data in your applications.
Once you update something, React can immediate
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Loop Over and Display Data with JSX
Data comes in all shapes and sizes. In JavaScript, an array is how we hold sets of data. For the majority of our site content, we use an array of objects.
Looping through and sh
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Display Simple Data with JSX
One of the building blocks of React is the ability to use HTML elements when developing components.
JSX allows us to write simple markup in HT
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Adding Calculator
Storing data in a front-end application and reusing the stored data throughout the application or app component, is an essential piece of modern front-end applications.
CodePen Final
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Adding Calculator
Storing data in a front-end application and reusing the stored data throughout the application or app component, is an essential piece of modern front-end applications.
CodePen Final
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Use React State to Update the DOM
A common theme in modern front-end JavaScript libraries/frameworks is that they can help you manage the data in your applications.
Once you update something, React can immediate
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Loop Over and Display Data with JSX
Data comes in all shapes and sizes. In JavaScript, an array is how we hold sets of data. For the majority of our site content, we use an array of objects.
Looping through and sh
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Display Simple Data with JSX
One of the building blocks of React is the ability to use HTML elements when developing components.
JSX allows us to write simple markup in HT
New ECMAScript Modules in Node v12
If you’re familiar with popular JavaScript frontend frameworks like React, Angular, etc, then the concept of ECMAScript won’t be entirely new to you. ES Modules have the import and
Naming things to improve accessibility
I like the this wrap-up statement from Hidde de Vries:
In modern browsers, our markup becomes an accessibility tree that ultimately informs what our interface looks like to assistive technologies. It doesn’t matter as much whether you’ve written this markup:
in a .html file
in Twig, Handlebars...
create-react-app v3, What's new?
When you're looking to setup your React developer environment, create-react-app is one of the go to ways to go about it. This package allows you to do so with minimal configuration as
PragueJS #4 – Build a fullstack GraphQL app with Prisma, Apollo and React
Další z řady setkání PragueJS se blíží. 30. dubna si můžete přijít poslechnout tři zajímavé přednášky. První z nich bude od Pavla Kepky z Blueberry. Pavel nám vysvětlí proč by nás REST API…
Using Parcel as a Bundler for React Applications
You may already be familiar with webpack for asset management on projects. However, there’s another cool tool out there called Parcel, which is comparable to webpack in that it helps with hassle-free asset bundling. Where Parcel really shines is that it requires zero configuration to get up...
The Circle of a React Lifecycle
A React component goes through different phases as it lives in an application, though it might not be evident that anything is happening behind the scenes.
Those phases are:
error handling
There are methods in each of these phases that make it possible to perform...
React Starter: The Ways to Use React
Before we can jump into learning more about the specifics of React, it's important to talk about all the ways we can use React.
This will give us a good mental overview to see how React can
Tabs: It’s Complicated™
I've said before one quick and powerful thing you can learn as a front-end developer just getting starting with JavaScript is changing classes.
const button = document.querySelector(".my-button");
const element = document.querySelector(".content");
button.addEventListener("click", function()...
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for April 2019
Our web dev resources collection for April is filled with amazing open-source projects, useful CSS tools and React components
Wrap a Vanilla JavaScript Package for Use in React
Complex web projects often require the use of 3rd party widgets. But what if you're using a framework while a widget is only available in pure JavaScript?
To use a JavaScript w
Pulling Apart SVGs with Reusable WebGL Components Using React-three-fiber
Learn how to pull apart SVGs in 3D space with Three.js and React, using abstractions that allow us to break the scene graph into reusable components.
Pulling Apart SVGs with Reusable WebGL Components Using React-three-fiber was written by Paul Henschel and published on Codrops