The Benefits of Structuring CSS Around Appearance and Layout
I like this point that Jonathan Snook made on Twitter and I’ve been thinking about it non-stop because it describes something that’s really hard about writing CSS:
I feel like that tweet sounds either very shallow or very deep depending on how you look at it but in reality, I don't think...
Deep Dive Into GraphQL Queries
In my last GraphQL post, I talked about the good and bad sides of GraphQL. In this post, we'll take an in-depth look at GraphQ
Revisiting the abbr element
An irresistible HTML element deep dive from Ire Aderinokun, this time on the <abbr title=""> element for abbreviations. You can kinda just use it (JUI) and it works fine, but if you're hoping to make a tooltip for them (which works on touchscreens as well), then it's much more complicated....
How do you figure?
Scott O'Hara digs into the <figure> and <figcaption> elements. Gotta love a good ol' HTML deep dive.
I use these on just about every blog post here on CSS-Tricks, and as I've suspected, I've basically been doing it wrong forever. My original thinking was that a figcaption was just...
Spoják – týden čtvrtý. Collection #1 s českými hesly. Chrome Manifest 3 bez blokátorů.
Heslovitě: Odhalený @horse_js. Speed Demon. Julia 1.1. Pharo 7.0. GitLab 11.7. Wine 4.0. Firefox 65. Uniklá hesla v Collection #1. DevHub. Chrome Manifest 3 a blokace reklam. QuickView. Safari -SPDY. Plány Yarn 2. Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2019. Priority Hints. Zákon o nemazání.ac
Would You Watch a Documentary Walking Through Codebases?
This resonated pretty strongly with people:
I’d watch a documentary series of developers giving a tour of their codebases.
— Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) January 6, 2019
I think I was watching some random Netflix documentary and daydreaming that the subject was actually something I was super...
Gulp for WordPress: Creating the Tasks
This is the second post in a two-part series about creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. Part one focused on the initial installation, setup, and organization of Gulp in a WordPress theme project. This post goes deep into the tasks Gulp will run by breaking down what each task...
Nested Destructuring
Destructuring in JavaScript can initially feel confusing but the truth is that destructuring can make your code a bit more logical and straight forward. Destructuring does look a bit more complex when you’re looking for a property several objects deep, so let’s have a look at how to...
Poprvé na kometě: Robotický průzkumník Deep Impact u komety Temple 1
Poprvé na kometě: Robotický průzkumník Deep Impact u komety Temple 1
The Ultimate Guide to Headless CMS
(This is a sponsored post.)
The World Has Changed—So Must the CMS
Having a responsive website is no longer enough. Your audience expects a seamless and personalized customer experience across all their devices—the age of headless technology is coming.
Headless CMS is the next generation in content...
Script & Style Show: Episode 5: Q&A
On this week’s episode: Todd’s back from vacation while David’s knee-deep in a Firefox Debugger breakpoint UI update. We eventually move on to viewer questions that range form JavaScript knowledge, the Array.flatten controversy, front-end testing (TDD vs. BDD), and mastering...
Podívejte se na další fotografie od Čecha, který vyfotil Teslu ve vesmíru
Minimálně jednu fotografii Martina Maška zná u nás každý, kdo se jen trochu zajímá o vesmír. Právě Mašek totiž pořídil fotku Muskova kabrioletu Tesla, jak putuje vesmírem. Není to však zdaleka jediný ani první snímek tohoto vášnivého pozorovatele deep-sky objektů, komet, proměnných hvězd...
Počítač umí přelepit tvář. Internet zaplaví parodie a falešné porno
Realistické videomontáže, tzv. "deep fakes", jsou výsledkem pokroků ve strojovém učení. Internetoví nadšenci takto zatím produkují především falešnou pornografii s tvářemi známých celebrit. Potenciál této techniky, která je nyní dostupná prakticky každému, je ale mnohem závažnější Další články...