
Nalezeno "iOS": 495

Testing Haven, OB1’s New Social Media and Crypto Marketplace App

On Monday, OB1, the development team who created the crypto-infused marketplace Openbazaar, launched a new platform called Haven. The application is a mobile version of the Openbazaar marketplace, but also includes social media, end-to-end encrypted messaging, and noncustodial wallet services for...

Zoom, CORS, and the Web

It's sorta sad by funny that that big Zoom vulnerability thing was ultimately related to web technology and not really the app itself. There is this idea of custom protocols or "URL schemes." So, like gittower:// or dropbox:// or whatever. A native app can register them, then URLs that hit them...

Crypto Adoption: First Opera Wallet for iOS; PwC Starts Crypto Audits

Another two good news reached the crypto industry, showing more examples of the ongoing adoption. First, Opera Software launched their blockchain-ready Opera Touch web browser with a crypto wallet for iOS. Second, accountancy giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has added cryptocurrency auditing...

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