KV Storage
localStorage is...
Good! It's an incredibly easy API to use.
localStorage.setItem('name', 'Chris'); let name = localStorage.getItem('name');
Bad! Philip Walton explains why:
localStorage is a synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you potentially prevent your...
Differential Serving
There is "futuristic" JavaScript that we can write. "Stage 0" refers to ideas for the JavaScript language that are still proposals. Still, someone might turn that idea into a Babel plugin and it could compile into code that can ship to any browser. For some of these lucky proposals, Stage 0 becomes...
Creating a Reusable Pagination Component in Vue
The idea behind most of web applications is to fetch data from the database and present it to the user in the best possible way. When we deal with data there are cases when the best possible way of presentation means creating a list.
Depending on the amount of data and its content, we may decide...
Better Than Native
Andy Bell wrote up his thoughts about the whole web versus native app debate which I think is super interesting. It was hard to make it through the post because I was nodding so aggressively as I read:
The whole idea of competing with native apps seems pretty daft to me, too. The web gives us...
Breaking CSS Custom Properties out of :root Might Be a Good Idea
CSS Custom Properties have been a hot topic for a while now, with tons of great articles about them, from great primers on how they work to creative tutorials to do some real magic with them. If you’ve read more than one or two articles on the topic, then I’m sure you’ve noticed that they start...
Set Commit Author with git or hg
Knowing who authored a code patch is a sacred and important practice in the world of software engineering. Knowing the author gives the reviewer an idea of trust level, know who to ask questions about the patch, and gives credit to the genius of an important fix. There have been times when...
Using <details> for Menus and Dialogs is an Interesting Idea
One of the most empowering things you can learn as a new front-end developer who is starting to learn JavaScript is to change classes. If you can change classes, you can use your CSS skills to control a lot on a page. Toggle a class to one thing, style it this way, toggle to another class...
Web Accessibility For Beginners
Building accessible applications or websites is not the norm today. This is because the idea of accessibility is known to most developers, while in actual sense it is often neglected and not a comm
7 things you should know when getting started with Serverless APIs
I want you to take a second and think about Twitter, and think about it in terms of scale. Twitter has 326 million users. Collectively, we create ~6,000 tweets every second. Every minute, that’s 360,000 tweets created. That sums up to nearly 200 billion tweets a year. Now, what if the creators...
Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit For CSS
Rachel Andrew says that the CSS Working Group designed an aspect ration unit at a recent meeting. The idea is to find an elegant solution to those times when we want the height of an element to be calculated in response to the width of the element, or vice versa.
Say, for example, we have a grid...
This is not a sponsored post. I requested a beta access for this site called Stackbit a while back, got my invite the other day, and thought it was a darn fine idea that's relevant to us web nerds — particularly those of us who spin up a lot of JAMstack sites.
I'm a big fan of the whole idea...
Extending Google Analytics on CSS-Tricks with Custom Dimensions
The idea for this article sparked when Chris wrote this in Thank You (2018 Edition):
I almost wish our URLs had years in them because I still don't have a way to scope analytic data to only show me data from content published this year. I can see the most popular stuff from the year, but that's...
Why I Write CSS in JavaScript
I'm never going to tell you that writing your CSS in CSS (or some syntactic preprocessor) is a bad idea. I think you can be perfectly productive and performant without any tooling at all. But, I also think writing CSS in JavaScript is a good idea for component-based styles in codebases that build...
Jeden národ Čechoslováků? Prezidentu Benešovi tato idea nevyšla
Jeden národ Čechoslováků? Prezidentu Benešovi tato idea nevyšla
Social Cards as a Service
I love the idea of programmatically generated images. That power is close at hand these days for us front-end developers, thanks to the concept of headless browsers. Take Puppeteer, the library for controlling headless Chrome. Generating images from URLs is their default use case:
const puppeteer...
18.2.2019 is a pretty cool project from Alexandre Dieulot. Alexandre has been at this idea for half a decade now, as InstantClick is his and is essentially the same exact idea.
The idea is that there is a significant delay between hovering over a link and clicking that link. Say it takes...
The Magic of React-Based Multi-Step Forms
One way to deal with long, complex forms is to break them up into multiple steps. You know, answer one set of questions, move on to another, then maybe another, and so on and so forth. We often refer to these as multi-step forms (for obvious reasons), but others also take to calling it a “wizard”...
“the closest thing web standards have to a golden rule”
The internet's own Mat Marquis plucks this choice quote from the HTML Design Principals spec:
In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.
And then he applies the idea to putting images on websites in 2019.
Direct Link to Article...
Using Dotfiles for Managing Development and Many Other Magical Things
Howdy folks! 🎉 I'm Simon Owen, and over the years, I've loved being a part of and learning from the dotfiles community. I spend a lot of time teaching developers and running workshops. In those sessions, demonstrating how I set up my development environment is often one of things that folks...
Text Distortion Effects using Blotter.js
Some text distortion experiments using the Blotter.js library. The idea is to distort text as we scroll or move the mouse.
Text Distortion Effects using Blotter.js was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops