Ethereum Community Gears up for the Long-Awaited London Fork Set to Go Live on August 5
The Ethereum community has been gearing up for the highly anticipated London Network Upgrade which should take place on August 5 around 2:00 p.m. (EDT). Node operators have been asked to upgrade their nodes as soon as possible, as the upgrade is scheduled to take place at block height 12,965,000....
The Tricky, Essential Art of Preserving Canceled Games Like Starfox 2
What we know of history is preserved in the art we create, and what we leave behind. Cave paintings tell stories of great hunting feats, crumbling texts give us a glimpse into ancient cultures, and film reels show us how far life has come. In the same way, these artifacts represent the breadth...
Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks
I got together with Tim Kadlec from over at WebPageTest the other day to use do a bit of performance testing on CSS-Tricks. Essentially use the tool, poke around, and identify performance pain points to work on. You can watch …
The post Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks...
Blockchain ‘Immutability’ Dispute Sparked by Ethereum Request for Reorg Contract
Just recently, a software developer and “Solidity nerd” called Bunny Girl has sparked heated conversations within the cryptocurrency community over a smart contract that reveals a process called a “Request For Reorg contract (RFR).” On Twitter, Bunny Girl explained that...
Ethereum’s London Hard Fork Scheduled to Commence on August 4
The highly anticipated Ethereum hard fork is expected to launch on August 4 at block height 12,965,000 according to Ethereum core developers. The London hard fork will add five Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) that aim to enhance the blockchain. However, the Berlin hard fork was postponed...
World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Sells NFT for $5.4M — ‘Embarrassing’ Coding Error Spotted in NFT
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, the English computer scientist who is well known for inventing the world wide web has sold a non-fungible token (NFT) in an online auction hosted by the auction house Sotheby’s. The NFT is basically a video of the World Wide Web’s source code created...
Bargain? World Wide Web’s source code NFT sells for $5.4M at Sotheby’s
The source code for the World Wide Web has been sold by the inventor for $5.4 million
Final Fantasy 'Pixel Remasters' Cost A Bunch And Have Tiny, Tiny Text
Square Enix is no stranger to bafflingly ill-considered remakes of classics, and it’s starting to look like the “pixel remasters” of Final Fantasy I-VI might suffer the same fate. In short: price big, text tiny.Read more
Šéf Epicu Tim Sweeney si vyšlápl už i na Google, má prý prohnilou duši
Po soudním procesu se společností Apple obrátil CEO společnosti Epic Games Tim Sweeney pozornost i na konkurenční Google. Vadí mu, že v jeho obchodě nenajdete populární hru Fortnite
Halo Infinite Release Date Narrowed Down To 'A Few Weeks,' Phil Spencer Says
Although a firm Halo Infinite release date has yet to be set, internal talks at Microsoft surrounding when to launch the game have narrowed from the months-long holiday 2021 release window to a handful of weeks, Xbox head Phil Spencer explained during a recent appearance on the Dropped Frames...
Three Ethereum Testnets Are Transitioning to the Highly Anticipated London Upgrade
According to a blog post on the Ethereum Foundation’s website, three Ethereum testnets leveraging the London hard fork will go live during the next few weeks. Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko explained last Friday that the “upgrade will first go live on Ropsten, at block 10499401...
Web nás provází už 30 let, WebExpo se zaměří na jeho budoucnost
Před 30 lety v CERNu nezkoumali jen vznik vesmíru. Když tu 6. srpna 1991 spustil Tim-Berners Lee první webové stránky, zažil zde svůj velký třesk i web. A své třicáté narozeniny oslaví na WebExpu – největší technologické konferenci ve střední Evropě
[článek] Jiří Kučera (NFNZ): Sami od sebe lidé zpravodajství číst nezačnou, chceme jim s tím pomoci
[9 minut čtení] Tři nové aplikace mají ke konzumaci zpráv přitáhnout lidi, kteří je obvykle nesledují. Stojí za nimi Nadační fond nezávislé žurnalistiky a sdružení Česko.Digital. Více než třetina lidí v Česku vůbec nesleduje zpravodajství, říká průzkum, který si u agentury Media nechal vypracovat...
[aktualita] Tvůrce WWW Tim Berners-Lee dává část zdrojového kódu do aukce jako NFT
Tim Berners-Lee, autor world wide webu, prodává prostřednictvím aukce část originálního zdrojového kódu, který posloužil k tvorbě moderního internetu. Kód jde do dražby v podobě NFT. Prodej zajistí aukční síň Sotheby´s a výnos půjde na dobročinné účely. World wide web vznikl v roce 1989 a umožnil...
Venture Capitalist Tim Draper Doubles Down on His $250K by 2022 Bitcoin Price Prediction
American venture capital investor Tim Draper still believes in a bitcoin price prediction he made in mid-April 2018, at the Draper University blockchain party. At the time, Draper said that he thinks bitcoin could reach $250K by 2022, and during an interview with CNBC’s Jade Scipioni this...
Můžete vlastnit kus historie. Tim Berners-Lee draží původní zdrojový kód WWW
V rámci pokračující mánie kolem NFT, speciální formy tokenů na blockchainu, jde do dražby i něco, co je doslova historickým artiklem. Jak uvádí televize BBC, zakladatel world wide webu Tim Berners-Lee se rozhodl vydražit původní zdrojový kód, který se stal základem pro www. Ze strany Bernerse-Leeho
Domácí síťování: Jaký je rozdíl mezi routerem, switchem a jak s tím souvisí Wi-Fi a mesh?
Vypadají jedna jak druhá, ale každá síťová krabička má jinou funkci • Používané názvy zařízení jsou navíc často nesprávné • Router chcete mít jen jeden, Wi-Fi AP několik a extender raději žádný
Halo Infinite's First Multiplayer Footage Shows Off Grappling Hook
After missing the Xbox Series X/S launch last year, Halo Infinite appeared at today’s Xbox E3 2021 showcase with some new multiplayer gameplay footage. While no release date has been set, the game is still scheduled for a holiday 2021 debut.Read more
Beautiful Hand-Written Walkthrough Found In Old PC Game Box
Younger readers will just take things like YouTube walkthroughs, or even sites like GameFAQs, for granted, but old heads will remember days when finding their way through a video game was hard work. Which could, in rare instances like this, also be beautiful work.Read more
White House Tech Advisor Tim Wu Keeps at Least $1 Million in Bitcoin
Tim Wu, top advisor to the Biden administration on technology and competition policy, holds more than $1 million in cryptocurrency, shows a recently filed financial disclosure. The antitrust expert, who is known as a prominent big tech critic, has in the past questioned the value of bitcoin....