Report: Man Behind Pelosi Hammer Attack Was Radicalized By Gamergate
On October 28, San Francisco police arrested a man for attacking Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer. Now it’s been reported that he may have been inspired by the far-right movement Gamergate.Read more
How to Extend Prototypes with JavaScript
One of the ideological sticking points of the first JavaScript framework was was extending prototypes vs. wrapping functions. Frameworks like MooTools and Prototype extended prototypes while jQuery and other smaller frameworks did not. Each had their benefits, but ultimately all these years later...
Střet volavky a čejky: Jako když si David troufnul na Goliáše
Volavka popelavá se živí v prvé řadě rybami, i když nepohrdne různými obojživelníky, hmyzem nebo malými ptáky. Občas ale může narazit na zarputilou obranu čejky chocholaté, která brání svá neopatrná mláďata…
Professor Steve Hanke Says US Economy Was Flat Over the Last Year, but Stresses ‘It’s Going to Hit South’
Amid the chaotic economy, plagued with central bank tinkering, supply chain issues, and red-hot inflation, the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke believes a “pretty big recession” will take place in 2023. Speaking in an interview on Oct. 28, Hanke...
How to Use window.crypto in Node.js
I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with JavaScript
The United States is one of the last bodies that refuses to implement the Celsius temperature standard. Why? Because we’re arrogant and feel like we don’t need to change. With that said, if you code for users outside the US, it’s important to provide localized weather data...
Create a Thumbnail From a Video with ffmpeg
Creating a thumbnail to represent a video is a frequent task when presenting media on a website. I previously created a shell script to create a preview video from a larger video, much like many adult sites provide. Let’s view how we can create a preview thumbnail from a video! Developers...
Detect System Theme Preference Change Using JavaScript
JavaScript and CSS allow users to detect the user theme preference with CSS’ prefers-color-scheme media query. It’s standard these days to use that preference to show the dark or light theme on a given website. But what if the user changes their preference while using your app?...
Analysts Say an Onslaught of Fed Rate Hikes Could Spur a ‘Bond Market Flash Crash’ or ‘Blow up the Treasury’
The U.S. economy has been struggling with inflation running rampant and investors are eagerly waiting for the U.S. Federal Reserve to announce the next federal funds rate hike next month. Harris Kupperman, the founder of the hedge fund Praetorian Capital, believes the onslaught of Fed rate hikes...
Goldman Sachs CEO Sees Good Chance of Recession — Advises Investors to Be Cautious, Prepare for More Difficult Environment
The CEO of global investment bank Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, sees a good chance of a U.S. recession. He stressed that the “environment heading into 2023 is one that you’ve got to be cautious and prepared for.” Goldman Sachs CEO Warns About U.S. Recession, Advises Investors...
How to Use Storage in Web Extensions
Working on a web extension is an interesting experience — you get to taste web while working with special extension APIs. One such API is storage — the web extension flavor of persistence. Let’s explore how you can use session and local storage within your Manifest V3...
Ripple and Peersyst Devs Push XRP Toward Ethereum Compatibility With First Phase of an EVM Sidechain
According to an announcement from Ripple’s core development team Ripplex, developers have introduced the first step toward Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility with the XRP-based sidechain XRPL. The XRPL is now live on Devnet and developers can “assess available...
“I Knew I Was Here to Stay”: Talking the Future of Web 3 With David Bianchi
Skip or Only Run a Test with JavaScript Mocha
Whenever I start to feel anxiety about a big change I’m making, I start writing more unit tests. I’ll write down my fear and then write a test that attacks, and eventually relaxes, that fear. There are two actions that I’ve been frequently using with test writing: skipping all...
PayPal says policy to punish users for misinformation was 'in error'
Despite the retraction, the crypto community said the policy is a perfect example of why decentralization and self-custody of funds are so important
Rare David Bowie NFT Collaboration With FEWOCiOUS Sells for $127,000
The high-value sale on OpenSea continues a trend of celebrity estates minting postmortem memorabilia on the blockchain
Determine Default App for File Type from Command Line
One quality of life improvement any developer can make for themselves is ensuring different file types open in the app they’re most proficient in. If you know me, you know I prefer accomplishing as much as possible from the command line. The duti utility allows users to determine default file...
Netflix's Autoplay Means You Likely Missed A Cool Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Secret
If you watched Netflix’s new anime, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, chances are you’re still coping with its emotionally devastating ending and have brought it up to your therapist unprompted on more than one occasion. But the pain doesn’t stop there, friends. There’s a high probability Netflix’s...
Cyberpunk 2077 Fans Are Dying To Take Revenge On Edgerunners’ Cruelest Villain
If you’ve spent any time on the internet this past weekend, whether Reddit or Twitter or YouTube, you’ve undoubtedly seen Cyberpunk 2077 all over the timeline again—and for good reason. With the recent debut of Studio Trigger’s excellent anime adaptation, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, fans the internet...
Set Brave as Default Browser from Command Line
I’ve been a huge fan of the Brave web browser for years. They’re crypto-friendly, provide native ad-blocking features, and even provide Tor integration. Whenever I set up new systems, I automate Brave as the default browser. You can use the following shell command to set Brave as...