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The Many Bad (and Good!) Patterns for Close Buttons

Manuel Matuzović details 10 bad HTML patterns for a close button. You know, stuff like this: <a class="close" onclick="close()"×</a Why is that bad? There is no href there, so it really isn’t a link (close buttons aren’t links). Not to mention the missing href makes this...

Binance Releases Details About STEEM Network Update

To increase transparency, Binance received a request on May 20, 2020, to update the hard-fork STEEM network that comprises of: An update regarding power reduction, i.e., un-staking the time parameter from 13 weeks to 4 weeks. Putting 65 accounts to the blacklist. These are the accounts that...

Changpeng Zhao Clarifies Details About CoinMarketCap

In a recent blog, article CZ talks about the updates made on CoinMarketCap. As per a few speculations, there have been certain confusions regarding the rankings on CoinMarketCap and how it is related to Binance. To make it clear to the community members, Binance has released an official article...

Ripple Reveals Details on its New Trading Platform Through Job Openings

More information is out about a new trading platform that Ripple, an American blockchain company focusing on payments technologies, has in the works - and it's coming through employment adds. Ripple is seeking a staff engineer for their "trading platform team that provides market access...

Binance Charity Shares Details of Phase 3 Donation Campaign for COVID-19

The world has witnessed China making remarkable progress in controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus. Therefore, yet again the Binance Charity Foundation is offering its third and final report of the “Binance for Wuhan” donation campaign. With the supply of seven batches of medical equipment...

Stop Using “Dropdown”

Adrian Roselli notes that it might actually mean: A <select> menu An ARIA Listbox, Combobox, Menu, or Disclosure Widget An input with a <datalist> An input with autocomplete A <details><summary> block An accordion Flyout navigation In my own usage, I tend to mean...

A Guide to Handling Browser Events

In this post, Sarah Chima walks us through how we can work with browser events, such as clicking, using JavaScript. There’s a ton of great info in here! If JavaScript isn’t your strong suit, I think this is the best explanation of event handling that I’ve read in quite some time. When an event...

Police Reveal Details about Coincheck Hack Suspects + More News

Source: iStock/Marco_Piunti Crypto Briefs is your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Crime news Police in Tokyo have released further details about the two men it arrested yesterday...

HTML: The Inaccessible Parts

<input type="number", <input type="date", <input type="search", <select multiple, <progress, <meter, <dialog, <details<summary, <video, <div onclick, <div aria-label, <a href<divBlock Links</div</a, aria-controls...

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