
Nalezeno "and": 48012

Browser Version Release Spectrum

Whenever a browser upgrades versions, it's a little marketing event, and rightly so. Looks like for Firefox it's about once a month, Chrome is ~6 weeks, and Safari is once a year. Chrome 80 just dropped, as they say, and we get a video and blog post. What strikes me about releases like this these...

HTTPS is Easy!

I've been guilty of publicly bemoaning the complexity of HTTPS. In the past, I've purchased SSL certificates from third-party vendors and had trouble installing them. I've had certificates expire and had to scramble to fix them. I've had to poke and prod hosting companies to help me ensure things...

Big-hitting Crypto Companies SBI and GMO Reveal Results and Plans

Source: iStock/Sean_Kuma Two of Japan’s biggest crypto operators - SBI and GMO Internet - have revealed details about their Q3 financial performance – and claim they will expand their cryptocurrency operations in 2020. Financial giant SBI presented its latest financial report to shareholders....

CSS4 is a Bad Idea

Louis Lazaris, reacting to the idea of CSS4: The reason “CSS3” worked is because it was real. It was the successor to “CSS2.1”. Everything after CSS2.1 was considered to be under the umbrella of “CSS3”. The gist is that CSS4 isn't real, so won't work, and we don't need it anyway. Perhaps...

Creating an Editable Webpage With Google Spreadsheets and Tabletop.js

Please raise your hand if you’ve ever faced never-ending content revision requests from your clients. It’s not that the changes themselves are difficult, but wouldn't it be less complicated if clients could just make the revisions themselves? That would save everyone valuable time, and  allow...

Select an Element with a Non-Empty Attribute

Short answer: [data-foo]:not([data-foo=""] { Longer answer (same conclusion, just an explanation on why we might need this): Say you have an element that you style with a special data-attribute: <div data-highlight="product"</div You want to target that element and do special things when...

Why It's Important for Bitcoin if Bakkt and NYSE Owner Acquires eBay

The derivatives and equities trading company Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange and Bakkt, reportedly made a takeover offer to e-commerce giant eBay, which doesn't seem to have borne fruit. Nonetheless, the Cryptoverse has been speculating what would...

Wendy McElroy: The Narrative and Philosophy of Cryptocurrency

“The central banks of Britain, Japan, the euro zone, Sweden and Switzerland have grouped up to assess potential use cases for digital currencies. Talk of such currencies gained momentum after Facebook announced plans last year to introduce a cryptocurrency called libra,” – CNBC....

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