How to Integrate MongoDB Atlas and Segment using MongoDB Stitch
It can be quite difficult tying together multiple systems, APIs, and third-party services. Recently, we faced this exact problem in-house, when we wanted to get data from Segment into MongoDB so we
Forms, Auth and Serverless Functions on Gatsby and Netlify
Abstracting infrastructure is in our DNA. Roads, schools, water supply networks—you get the idea. Web development is no exception: serverless architectures are a beautiful expression of that phenomenon. Static sites, in particular, are turning into dynamic, rich experiences.
Handling static...
Customize payment solutions with our enhanced platform
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We’ve upped our game by using developers’ feedback to improve the Authorize.Net payment platform. Check out our new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, and use them to provide your merchants with a secure, scalable payment solution. You’ll see that it’s...
High Performance Hosting with No Billing Surprises
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With DigitalOcean, you can spin up Droplet cloud servers with industry-leading price-performance and predictable costs. Our flexible configurations are sized for any application, and we save you up to 55% when compared to other cloud providers.
Get started today. Receive...
JAMstack Comments
JAMstack sites are often seen as being static. A more accurate mental model for them would be that they are sites which have the ability to be hosted statically. The difference might seem semantic, but thanks to the rise of many tools and services which simplify running a build and deploying...
Building a Mini Invoicing App with Vue and Node : Database and API
To get paid for goods and services provided, companies/freelancers need to send invoices to their customers informing them of the services that they will be charged for. Back then, people had paper
Přichází revoluční PSD2: Jak se změní svět fintech startupů?
V sobotu nabyla platnost nová evropská směrnice o platebních službách. PSD2 má potenciál přinést do bankovního sektoru revoluci, která výrazně ovlivní i fungování fintech startupů. Tyinternety zjišťovaly, jak se změní jejich svět. Nejvýraznější změnou v rámci nové legislativy je povinnost bank...
Payment Request API: na internetu budeme platit jediným kliknutím. Údaje si zapamatuje prohlížeč
Mezinárodní konsorcium W3C, které se stará o vývoj webových standardů vyvíjí Payment Request API, které má zajistit bezpečnější a pohodlnější používání platebních karet na internetu. Nyní se standard dostal do fáze Editorial’s draft, která značí téměř zfinalizovaný produkt.
Payment Request API
Alternative Ethereum Blockchain Gains Support as Price Declines
Ethereum Classic may have started as a protest currency against the hard fork, but it is gaining more services
Thai Bitcoin Exchange Reopens with Enhanced Services
After a period of regulatory uncertainty, has relaunched as a full exchange