The Last Of Us Episode 8 Recap: Joel And Ellie's Most Desperate Hour
With just one episode to go, we’re nearing the end of Joel and Ellie’s long journey together. This week’s entry, “When We Are in Need,” corresponds with the game’s winter section, though the HBO adaptation isn’t using the same seasonal structure of the game, and here in TV land, it’s been winter...
The Last Of Us Show Makes Its Most Horrific Character More Horrifying
When I finished The Last of Us’ eighth episode “When We Are in Need,” which recounts the events of the game’s winter section, I had to go take a walk. I thought I was emotionally prepared to see a live-action version of the source material’s darkest moments, but I was once again surprised by...
Xapo Bank Integrates Lightning Network Payments Through Lightspark Partnership
On March 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is the first fully licensed private bank to offer...
US May Consider Alexander Vinnik for Prisoner Exchange With Russia, Lawyer Says
Crypto exchange BTC-e’s alleged operator Alexander Vinnik may be a candidate for prisoner swap between the United States and Russia. That’s according to a statement by one of his lawyers for Russian media. The latest court hearing in Vinnik’s case has been postponed. Russian Accused of Laundering...
CSS ::file-selector-button
We all love beautifully styled form controls but, due to the differences between operating system displays, styling them can be painful. Due to that pain, we’ve created scores of libraries to mock these controls. Unfortunately that sometimes comes at the cost of accessibility, performance...
Kenyan AI and Blockchain Startup Receives Investment From Swiss VC Firm
Fastagger Inc, an artificial intelligence and blockchain startup from Kenya, recently revealed that it had received an investment from the Swizterland-based blockchain investor CVVC. Mutembei Kariuki, said the investment will be used to fund the further develop Fastagger’s “cutting-edge...
Ivan Bartoš chce z Brna udělat národní centrum pro open source. Přípravy už se rozjely
Czech National OSPO aktuálně mají na starost Otevřená města. Spolupracovat se má mimo jiné s Digitální a informační agenturou
How to Open a Tor Brave Window from Command Line
I love the Brave web browser for many reasons: ad blocking, Brave rewards, crypto integration, and even a Tor tab feature. I’ll often use the Tor feature but wanted to know how I could automated opening Tor windows from command line. To open a Brave Tor tab, you can use the following command:...
Market Strategist Predicts Gold Will Be the Top Performer in 2023 Over Cryptocurrencies and Equities
Gareth Soloway, president and chief market strategist at, predicts that gold will outperform cryptocurrencies and equity performances in 2023. In an interview published Thursday, Soloway emphasized his belief that “gold will be the best performer” this year...
How to Open an App from Anywhere on Mac Command Line
Many engineers like myself live in the command line, and perform actions from command line that most others would click an icon for. I’ve always found opening apps from command line on Macs painful. You need to references the Applications directory, add .app to the name, etc. I just want...
How to Create a Diff of Two Images
When I was a child, I loved looking for Waldo in the “Where’s Waldo?” book series. These days I’m a sucker for TMZ’s “What’s the Big Frigin Difference” images, where TMZ slightly changes an image and you have to spot the differences between the two....
Market Strategist Warns of ‘Blood’ on February 1 Ahead of Fed Meeting
Stocks, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies rallied during the first month of the year, and market strategists are saying that markets could retract in the near future if the U.S. Federal Reserve keeps hiking rates and maintaining a broader tightening policy. In three days, on Feb. 1, 2023,...
5 Web Design Trends for 2023 That You Should Pay Attention To (Sponsored)
The start of a new year is usually a time when we start looking for ways to make something a little better. That something could be our life, work, or what we produce. Web designers, for example, might look for ways to make their designs more interesting or effective. In this post we will focus...
fetch with Timeout
A few years back I wrote a blog post about how write a fetch Promise that times out. The function was effective but the code wasn’t great, mostly because AbortController , which allows you to cancel a fetch Promise, did not yet exist. With AbortController and AbortSignal available...
Česká státní správa už 20 let přechází na doménu Tentokrát to ale vyjde, slibuje Bartoš
Píše se rok 2003 a tehdejší – dnes již zrušené – ministerstvo informatiky představuje Portál veřejné správy, který se měl stát rozcestníkem pro občany, kteří se chtějí z první ruky získat informace z úřadů a jiných orgánů veřejné moci.
Postupně se pod doménu měly jinak
Here's how to quickly spot a deepfake crypto scam — cybersecurity execs
The fast-paced nature of the crypto markets means investors are under massive pressure to quickly verify whether a video message is authentic or not
Customizing HTML Form Validation
Form validation has always been my least favorite part of web development. You need to duplicate validation on both client and server sides, handle loads of events, and worry about form element styling. To aid form validation, the HTML spec added some new form attributes like required and pattern...
Celebs who got burned endorsing crypto and those that got away with it
Screen actors and sports stars copped most of the backlash for 2022’s crypto endorsements, while soccer legends appear to have gotten away with it
How to Determine a JavaScript Promise’s Status
Promises have changed the landscape of JavaScript. Many old APIs have been reincarnated to use Promises (XHR to fetch, Battery API), while new APIs trend toward Promises. Developers can use async/await to handle promises, or then/catch/finally with callbacks, but what Promises don’t tell...
Detect XR Support with JavaScript
A few years ago I wrote an article about how to detect VR support with JavaScript. Since that time, a whole lot has changed. “Augmented reality” became a thing and terminology has moved to “XR”, instead of VR or AR. As such, the API has needed to evolve. The presence...