
Nalezeno "Film": 513

What Superhero Movies Need to Remember While Embracing Multiversal Madness

Much as audiences might long for Hollywood to change its approach to superhero movies, studios are loathe to let go of the genre’s established hallmarks. So things like glowing MacGuffins and overstuffed’s crossovers are utilized for a variety of reasons—including the simple fact that a lot...

New Mamoru Hosoda Anime Film Coming In 2021

Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children, and The Boy and the Beast) has announced his newest film. Called Belle, the movie tells the story of a young woman in modern-day Japan as she enters a massive virtual world.Read more

‘Silk Road’ Movie Acquired by Lionsgate to Premiere in February

The “Silk Road” movie has been acquired by Lionsgate and will soon be released in the U.S. The movie features Silk Road marketplace founder Ross Ulbricht and events leading to his arrest. Silk Road Movie Coming Soon An upcoming feature film titled “Silk Road” will...

[aktualita] Drastický film odvysílaný Skylinkem se bude řešit v Lucembursku

Rada pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání se obrací na své kolegy v Lucembursku, aby zasáhli proti obsahu, který do České republiky šíří stanice Skylink 7. V Lucembursku totiž sídlí provozovatel Skylinku, společnost Canal+. Český úřad o tom informoval v tiskové zprávě o výsledcích aktuálního...

How Film School Helped Me Make Better User Experiences

Recently, I finished a sixty-day sprint where I posted hand-coded zombie themed CSS animation every day. I learned a lot, but it also took me back to film school and reminded me of so many things I learned about storytelling, cinematography, and art. Turns out that much of what I learned back then...

Kate Winslet to Star in Cryptocurrency Movie About Onecoin Ponzi Scheme

A movie is being made about Onecoin’s cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme starring Oscar winner Kate Winslet. This Hollywood MGM movie is based on a true story told by a victim of the cryptocurrency fraud scheme. Onecoin Movie Starring Kate Winslet Oscar-winner Kate Winslet will be starring in...

Rusko se chce stát první zemí, která natočí film ve vesmíru

Ředitel NASA Jim Bridenstine v květnu na Twitteru potvrdil, že slavný hollywoodský herec Tom Cruise bude točit na palubě Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice (ISS). „Potřebujeme média, aby inspirovala novou generaci inženýrů a vědců, kteří by proměňovali plány NASA v realitu,“ uvedl mj. Rusko se však

Rapper TI Cryptocurrency Fraud: Charged and Fined $75,000 by SEC

Rapper TI and four other people, including film producer Ryan Felton, have been charged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over fraudulent token sales. TI, or Tip as the rapper is also known, is also fined $75,000 by the securities regulator. Rapper TI and Film Producer Charged...

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