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5 Accessibility Quick Wins You Can Implement Today

Let’s face it: building an AA or AAA-accessible product can be quite daunting. Luckily, having an accessible product isn’t all-or-nothing. Even seemingly small improvements can have nice quality of life benefits for many people. In that spirit, here are five … 5 Accessibility Quick Wins...

Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably)

Kilian Valkhof: […] Mobile Safari increases the default font-size when you switch a website from portrait to landscape. On phones that is, it doesn’t do it on iPad. Safari has been doing this for a long time, as a … Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably) originally...

9 New React and JavaScript Links for February 2022

Every now and then, I find that I’ve accumulated a bunch of links about various things I find interesting. Like React and JavaScript! Here’s a list of nine links to other articles about them that I’ve been saving up and … 9 New React and JavaScript Links for February 2022 originally...

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values

Imagine you have an element with a multi-value CSS property, such as transform: optional custom property values: .el { transform: translate(100px) scale(1.5) skew(5deg); } Now imagine you don’t always want all the transform values to be applied, so some … Multi-Value CSS Properties With...

A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features

I was just writing in my “What’s new in since CSS3?” article about recent and possible future changes to CSS colors. It’s weirdly a lot. There are just as many or more new and upcoming ways to define colors than … A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features...

Developers Speculating About the Long-Distant Future: 2022

This is a wonderful roundup from Jeremy, who I picture circling January 1, 2022, in red marker on a giant paper calendar back in 2008 and patiently counting the days. See, there was a little smattering of internet drama … Developers Speculating About the Long-Distant Future: 2022 originally...

Helpful Tips for Starting a Next.js Chrome Extension

I recently rewrote one of my projects — Minimal Theme for Twitter — as a Next.js Chrome extension because I wanted to use React for the pop-up. Using React would allow me to clearly separate my extension’s pop-up component and … Helpful Tips for Starting a Next.js Chrome Extension originally...

SVGcode for “Live Tracing” Raster Images

Say you have a bitmap graphic — like a JPG, PNG, or GIF — and you wish it was vector, like SVG. What do you do? You could trace it yourself in some kind of design software. Or tools within … SVGcode for “Live Tracing” Raster Images originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...

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