
Nalezeno "computer": 529

Network-Attached Storage (NAS) Devices Infected by Bitcoin-Mining Malware

A Taiwanese hardware company has warned its clients about a targeted crypto mining attack against their storage devices. The malware infects NAS devices connected to the internet by installing a crypto-miner named Dovecat. Threat Actors Install Malware That Illicitly Mines Bitcoin According to...

What Are the Best Computer Speakers?

Here’s a weird confession: Despite having made the jump from laptop to full PC years ago, I still don’t have computer speakers. Read more

Crypto User Loses Over $100K in Bitcoin While Transferring His Wallet

A bitcoin user has shared his story of how he lost more than $100,000 in BTC during a wallet transfer. The bitcoiner attempted to transfer a wallet to a new computer without making sure that he had access to the encryption passwords tied to his private key storage. Password Manager Didn’t...

Defi Protocol Founder Tricked, Hacked for $8 Million in Personal Funds

Nexus Mutual founder and chief executive officer Hugh Karp’s personal wallet address has been hacked for more than $8 million. The attacker, a member of the Nexus defi protocol, tricked Karp into signing a transaction that transferred funds to the hacker’s own address. The attacker...

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