
Nalezeno "details": 482

Stop Using “Dropdown”

Adrian Roselli notes that it might actually mean: A <select> menu An ARIA Listbox, Combobox, Menu, or Disclosure Widget An input with a <datalist> An input with autocomplete A <details><summary> block An accordion Flyout navigation In my own usage, I tend to mean...

A Guide to Handling Browser Events

In this post, Sarah Chima walks us through how we can work with browser events, such as clicking, using JavaScript. There’s a ton of great info in here! If JavaScript isn’t your strong suit, I think this is the best explanation of event handling that I’ve read in quite some time. When an event...

Police Reveal Details about Coincheck Hack Suspects + More News

Source: iStock/Marco_Piunti Crypto Briefs is your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Crime news Police in Tokyo have released further details about the two men it arrested yesterday...

HTML: The Inaccessible Parts

<input type="number", <input type="date", <input type="search", <select multiple, <progress, <meter, <dialog, <details<summary, <video, <div onclick, <div aria-label, <a href<divBlock Links</div</a, aria-controls...

Creating a Details Element That Opens But Never Closes

The <details> and <summary> elements in HTML are useful for making content toggles for bits of text. By default, you see the <summary> element with a toggle triangle (▶︎) next to it. Click that to expand the rest of the text inside the <details> element. But...

Darknet Users Discuss the Connection Between DDoS Attacks and Exit Scams

During the last few weeks, a number of darknet markets (DNMs) like Dread and Empire have been attacked relentlessly with heavy DDoS attacks. Meanwhile, reports disclose that Apollon is allegedly pulling an exit scam in the same fashion as Nightmare Market did last year. details...

Swiss Resort Town Zermatt Accepts Bitcoin for Government Services

Zermatt, a municipality in Switzerland at the foot of the Matterhorn known for its ski resort, has started accepting bitcoin for government services. The Zermatt town hall now has a point-of-sale solution, installed by Zug-based Bitcoin Suisse, to accept the cryptocurrency. A spokesperson for...

How We Tagged Google Fonts and Created

GooFonts is a side project signed by a developer-wife and a designer-husband, both of them big fans of typography. We’ve been tagging Google Fonts and built a website that makes searching through and finding the right font easier. GooFonts uses WordPress in the back end...

How Auto Margins Work in Flexbox

Robin has covered this before, but I've heard some confusion about it in the past few weeks and saw another person take a stab at explaining it, and I wanted to join the party. Say you have a flex container with some flex items inside that don't fill the whole area. See the Pen ZEYLVEX...

Coinbase Patents AI Compliance System to Monitor and Flag Accounts

Popular U.S. cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase received a patent November 19, for an AI-driven compliance system which would monitor customer accounts, flagging those deemed non-compliant and recategorizing them for corrective action. Described as a “compliance determination and enforcement...

Bitcoin Cash House African Expansion to Feature in Toronto Meetup

Besides networking with the local community, bitcoin cash meetups are a great way to learn about the development of the cryptocurrency and the ecosystem from the people that make it happen. The upcoming Toronto meetup, for example, will feature new details about the expansion of the Bitcoin Cash...

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