
Nalezeno "Financial": 4644

Traditional Law and Finance Can Adapt to Bitcoin, These Examples Show

Bitcoin brought about solutions to persistent problems that stood in the way of previous attempts to invent digital money, such as the risk of double spending. Some of its features, however, like the characteristic irreversibility of blockchain transactions, have created certain challenges for...

Global Crisis Looms as IMF Report Cites Its Own Policy as Dangerous

In a new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) entitled “Global Financial Stability Report: Lower for Longer,” the group gives an overview of the current debt-ridden and precarious state of affairs in global economics. Not lost on some economists, however, is the irony that...

G20 Informed Stablecoins Could Pose Financial Stability Risk

The Financial Stability Board has informed the G20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs of the risks stablecoins could pose to financial stability. Unlike crypto assets which do not pose financial stability risk at this time, stablecoins could pose a host of challenges. Also read: Unicef...

CoinEx Chain Elects New Node Partners

Hosted by CoinEx Chain Foundation, “CoinEx Chain Global Nodes Election Launch Conference” was successfully held in Shenzhen on Oct 16. The conference marked the official launch of CoinEx Chain’s nodes election. More than 500 blockchain practitioners, including investors, KOLs, technical...

Android Tool Lets You Check Crypto Payment Apps for Double-Spends

The risk of double-spending has traditionally been a major obstacle to creating and fully using digital money. A flaw of this kind would be detrimental to the credibility of any system claiming to provide universal solutions to the financial needs of our era. Whoever created Bitcoin elegantly...

Dutch National Bank Says Gold Can Re-Start Economy in Case of Total Collapse

An article found on the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) website has surprised many in the crypto space, with its bold claim that “If the entire system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over.” While proclamations of this nature are nothing new, it is strange to see...

IRS to Require 150 Million Tax Filers to Disclose Crypto Dealings

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has unveiled a new draft tax form used by some 150 million people in the country to file tax returns. It has a section that requires them to answer whether they have received, sold, sent, exchanged, or acquired any financial interest in any cryptocurrencies...

Bitcoin Cash Acceptance Grows in Southeast Asia via Alchemy’s PoS System

The payments and technology provider Alchemy recently announced the launch of the startup’s hybrid payment solution, a platform that aims to connect cryptocurrency with retailers worldwide. Alchemy’s crypto solution features integration with Qfpay, a well known third-party payment...

Sean Walsh: Cryptocurrencies Can Harness More Human Energy

Bitcoin scores high in terms of ‘moneyness’ compared to other forms of money as it has some technical advantages and social inertia. In an interview with’s Humans of Bitcoin podcast, brilliant contrarian thinker Sean Walsh shared his opinion about cryptocurrencies...

Economic Turmoil in Hong Kong Escalates as Colonial-Era Law Is Imposed

Colonial-era law has been imposed in Hong Kong causing the economic situation to degrade further, with empty ATMs and bank runs becoming a new norm. Protestors and non-protestors alike fear the martial law-like ERO (Emergency Regulations Ordinance) could eventually grind the city’s financial...

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